Two rabbits?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
Reaction score
Moreno Valley, California, USA
Hi I was just wondering if its absolutely necessary to have two bunnies. I know they are social animals but if they would be with your all the time do they still need a buddy? (I know the answer is most likely yes, but I was just curious.) Thanks!
Not always. Just as some people are 'loners' or 'social bugs' rabbits are the same way.

But what I have found personally with my own animals, is that they do enjoy the company of another bunny around. Although I have owned rabbits in the past that are *completely* solo bunnies.
Yeah, I had a rabbit who I tried to bond with another rabbit but they would just always end up fighting. Eventually I had to give both rabbits back to the rescue, because my mother couldnt afford them. But now I have a job opportunity and if I take it I will be able to afford everything a rabbit needs and deserves. I probably wont be adopting a rabbit(s) either until the summer or fall. I just needed to know if rabbits need a pal. Ive seen posts on here with people having just one rabbit and Ive been taught that a rabbit needs a buddy, as they are social animals. Should I start with one bun and keep an eye on it and see if it seems lonely or just go ahead and adopt a pair when/if the time comes.
I would be adopting from a rescue.
It's not an absolute must, so many Rabbit's are happy with just their humans! Of course compionship when able is better because you just cannot be with a Rabbit 24/7 or snuggle with him/her on those chilly nights when you are sleeping soundly. Bonding can be diffcult though, you really don't know if two bunnies will work out together until you try it. If it doesn't work out you can be forced into a two seperate bunnies situation which is more work. So I would say either adopt a bonded pair (which is awesome!) or adopt a lone bunny that would be equally as happy to have a home of his/her own with a wonderful human.


I'm sure most bunnies would like a friend, but I dont think anyone would really say its absolutely necessary. Rabbits arnt like rats in that sense.

Sorry if the rat comment seemed out of the blue, but when I was getting a rabbit I thought they NEEDED company too because I had rats in the past and they really need company.

I have a single rabbit now and she seems perfectly happy. I would like to get her a friend one day, but thats mostly because I want another one...

If its a going to be a single bunny keeping it inside in a room where you spend a lot of time might help to fight off any loneliness.
Yeah I have three rats so thats why im wondering about how bunnies are alone. Because I know rats are VERY social animals and I know rabbits are also social. I think Id prefer one rabbit right now only because I live with my parents and they probably wouldnt let me get two even if its payed for with my money. Its good to know rabbits can do well being lone bunnies. Thanks!
amyshizzle wrote:
Hi I was just wondering if its absolutely necessary to have two bunnies. I know they are social animals but if they would be with your all the time do they still need a buddy? (I know the answer is most likely yes, but I was just curious.) Thanks!
It's absolutely not necessary.;):)

Rabbits are social animals, but domestic rabbits often do not do well in pairs unless they're altered. Some people choose to do this, but even so, I've found that generally the rabbits tolerate each other more than rely on each other.

Domestic rabbits have been raised, on the whole, to be individual animals. So they do wonderfully as single pets and there's no need to add more rabbits to the household. If you choose to, it should be on your own terms and not "for the sake of the bunny". The rabbits do perfectly well in either situation.:bunnydance:
I've got two guinea pigs and two bunnies. I originally had one piggie and then went to get another for a friend... but came home with a bun too. Just last weekend we bought our bun Willoughby a friend, we bought another girl Daphne. We have the means and space incase the bonding didnt work but its worked out perfectly.

Willoughby (girl) is a crazy bunny, very active. Daphne is very shy and quiet. It seems Daphy has calmed Willoughby down a little and they quietly snuggle ocassionally. But they are still very seperate rabbits.

I loved the thought of having another rabbit and thinking of Willoughby to have someone to talk to :D
Bex&Bun wrote:
I've got two guinea pigs and two bunnies. I originally had one piggie and then went to get another for a friend... but came home with a bun too.
That reminds me of when I got my first rabbit. My agreement with my parents was I could get a GUINEA PIG so my mom took me to a pet shop and I was looking around and saw a little black bunny who was all alone and I told my mom I wanted it and my mom let me have it. He was my angel. Sadly he died in 2005 from a toxin in his kidney. I think it was from the pellets I was feeding him. He had spent the night at the emergency vet and the vet told me the night before he would be okay and would be able to go home in the morning...My mom went to pick him up at like 4am while I was still sleeping (I was about 13)...When she got home she woke me up without a bunny in her arms...She told me he had died, that was probably the worst morning of my life. I cried for 3 weeks straight. I couldnt even go to school. I was so sad. He was my everything. I miss him. He was a great rabbit.
Aww Amy thats so sad. My little Willoughby is a gorgeous little black lop. I would be devestated if anything happened to him. I worry about him when he lies down coz i've never seen him sleep, he's always running around all the time!
Whatever feels best :)

When my George died, Jenni was left by her own so I was giving her extra attention/care. I thought that Jenni was enjoying the time with me (the human) and I was enjoying it with her too.

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