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Bramble Briar86

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Honey Bun's Hangout, Illinois, USA
I breed Bramble successfully monday night,tonight, when i let her out of the cage because it was her day for thecoop floor, i noticed that she was very "skittish" could this behormones? but so soon?

Has anyone tried T-Touch on their bunnies? it helped me calm downBramble and Briar tonight, how about natural remedies, like fenugreekand essential peppermint oils and such, i've heard it really helpsanimals, especially in lung and gastric problems.

I have no idea about why she might or might notbe skittish, but I might guess she thought you were going to put herwith the male again.

I don't know about that other stuff you mention. I reallycalm Bo by putting my hand gently over his eyes and giving him cheek,ear and nose rubs. I also talk very gently to him.

The rabbitry owner I got a few of my rabbits fromswears by willow bark/ willow twigs as a natural remedy to calm bunniesdown. I've been giving my rabbits willow now and then andthey love it.

I also play music/radio in the room where the hutches are.This was suggested to me as a waytokeep the rabbitscalm. Rabbits will get very nervous over loud and abruptnoise changes...the music keeps the environment consistent.

T-Touch is used in horses, it's where you taketwo or three of your fingers, and then, pressing gently, you work in acounter clock wise direction, completeing a full circle + a half ofone.

Bramble is still skittish, so i'm going to work with her, using T-Touch and talking gently to her.

I think that sounds like a great way for the maybe mom to relax and you to form a stronger bond with her.

I would be very careful using any holistic supplements that aren't 100%proven Ok during pregnancy. I am sure someone on the board will knowbetter what is and what isn't acceptable in that category.

Good luck with the doe!

Fergi's mom

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