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I was out having a wander around one of our local markets ('souq', to be precise), and thought I'd have a peek in some of the bird shops to see what they had. I went into one, and there was a rabbit and a guinea pig in a little bird cage, with one mangy cabbage leaf to eat and no water. They were both covered in their own urine and stank to high heaven. Now, situations like this aren't exactly rare over here, and so I've managed to steel myself against rescuing every single mistreated animal. So I walked out, checked out a few more shops, and couldn't help thinking about them. "What's one more?" I kept thinking to myself, and I knew I just couldn't leave them.
So back I went and bought to two little ones. Into a cardboard box they went, and they're now back at my house. I initially thought that the bunny was a girl, but admittedly I didn't get a good look at 'her' - it turns out that she's definitely a boy
The guinea pig's a little boy, too. The pair seem to be bonded as the guinea pig was happily grooming the bunny in the box before I lifted them out.
I had to give them both a bit of a wash to get some of the yuck off them - the piggie was incredibly good and sat there without a fuss, while the bunny didn't want to be in the sink, so I had to wash him in the shower instead. Still, he seemed to appreciate it afterwards, and seemed to like being snuggled up in a towel!
Right now they're both in my second bathroom with a towel spread across the floor so that they've got somewhere to walk without sliding on the tiles. Their cardboard box and my carry box are in there for them, and they seem quite happy. I gave them both a piece of tomato each and some parsley, and the little guinea pig tucked right in! Poor mite looked hungry as anything, and neither of them are exactly heavy, you can feel all of their bones.
So, I have these two new additions, and I'm not sure what to do with them. If the bunny had been a girl I would have loved to keep him, but as he's not, that means he'll have to be neutered before I do anything. And then there's the guinea pig; I've read about people saying that rabbits and pigs shouldn't live together as the bunnies can get boistrous with them - and one in a cage of four rabbits wouldn't really stand a chance, now, would he? I'm thinking of perhaps putting up a poster tomorrow to ask if anyone would like to home them - the only problem is that it's the summer and lots of the expats around here will have left on holiday already. I really wouldn't want to give them to a local.
The bunny's very good-looking...
He has big brown spots all over his bum, too, though the rest of him (apart from his face) is white.
Here's him with the piggie, just after I'd got them home;
So back I went and bought to two little ones. Into a cardboard box they went, and they're now back at my house. I initially thought that the bunny was a girl, but admittedly I didn't get a good look at 'her' - it turns out that she's definitely a boy
I had to give them both a bit of a wash to get some of the yuck off them - the piggie was incredibly good and sat there without a fuss, while the bunny didn't want to be in the sink, so I had to wash him in the shower instead. Still, he seemed to appreciate it afterwards, and seemed to like being snuggled up in a towel!
Right now they're both in my second bathroom with a towel spread across the floor so that they've got somewhere to walk without sliding on the tiles. Their cardboard box and my carry box are in there for them, and they seem quite happy. I gave them both a piece of tomato each and some parsley, and the little guinea pig tucked right in! Poor mite looked hungry as anything, and neither of them are exactly heavy, you can feel all of their bones.
So, I have these two new additions, and I'm not sure what to do with them. If the bunny had been a girl I would have loved to keep him, but as he's not, that means he'll have to be neutered before I do anything. And then there's the guinea pig; I've read about people saying that rabbits and pigs shouldn't live together as the bunnies can get boistrous with them - and one in a cage of four rabbits wouldn't really stand a chance, now, would he? I'm thinking of perhaps putting up a poster tomorrow to ask if anyone would like to home them - the only problem is that it's the summer and lots of the expats around here will have left on holiday already. I really wouldn't want to give them to a local.
The bunny's very good-looking...

He has big brown spots all over his bum, too, though the rest of him (apart from his face) is white.
Here's him with the piggie, just after I'd got them home;