Hello everyone...hope your week is going good sofar. Well as someof you know the rabbits are coming on Thursday anddepending on how they look and what the woman tells me I might have anew baby! What I'm wondering, or more my roomate is wondering is,woould it be a good idea to get two. I have read alot about this inmagazines and on some other forums and information sites but I kindawanted your guys opinions. I guess I just trust the 'experts' here morethan any other magazine or site. I hear most of you have more than onerabbit and I have heard that if you find a pair that really seem to getalong it can be a great relationship for both bunnies. When I talked tothe breeder on the phone she suggested that a boy and a girl would bebetter (both fixed of course!). Do you guys agree? Please let me know.I trust your opinions and I don't want to make any of my future bunniesunhappy!~Erin~P.S.- the cage is almost done! I will be sure to postpics once it is!!