Two is better than one?...

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Sep 25, 2005
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Hello everyone...hope your week is going good sofar. Well as someof you know the rabbits are coming on Thursday anddepending on how they look and what the woman tells me I might have anew baby! What I'm wondering, or more my roomate is wondering is,woould it be a good idea to get two. I have read alot about this inmagazines and on some other forums and information sites but I kindawanted your guys opinions. I guess I just trust the 'experts' here morethan any other magazine or site. I hear most of you have more than onerabbit and I have heard that if you find a pair that really seem to getalong it can be a great relationship for both bunnies. When I talked tothe breeder on the phone she suggested that a boy and a girl would bebetter (both fixed of course!). Do you guys agree? Please let me know.I trust your opinions and I don't want to make any of my future bunniesunhappy!~Erin~P.S.- the cage is almost done! I will be sure to postpics once it is!!
Hi Erinb,

Rabbits are social animals and do seem to enjoy company, but bonding isnot always successful. You're right, it is much easier tobond a spayed/neutered male/female pair than any othercombination. It's not impossible to bond girl/girl orboy/boy, but it is harder.

If I were you, I would start with one and see how it goes. Ifyou have a lot of time to spend with the one, it will befine. You can always get another bun down the road.It would be hard to get two, try to get them settled in,spayed/neutered and bonded all at once.

That's just my opinion, of course!:)

Best of luck to you. Please keep us posted!


I got three does(females) living together. They aren't fixed, either! They get a longgreat. They are a few weeks apart for age. I would get two that are thesame age, but are young or that have lived together since babies andget along together fine. The three some that I have are a 2 -3 monthold Himalayan Doe, a 2-3 month old Mini Lop Doe, and a 7-8 month oldHimalayan. They are wild lady rabbits together.

Hint: If you get them fixed there temperaments areusually sweeter and are won't go into heat(does). Bucks are also verysweet if you get one big one for company. Even if its not fixed. If youhave two bucks that aren't fixed then they'll fight tell ones dead. Ifboth are fixed then they'll probably fine. Same suggestion fordoes.

But does will become in heat, she would be ready to breed, butI don't suggestion breeding her. Also usually 2 does not fixed willfight.

Don't ask me how I got the three to live together. They didn't even know each other.

Depends on how old they are, and ifthey are bonded already. Some foster homes have bonded pairsthat must go together.

If you decide in getting two, chances are good to bondbecause of the new neutral grounds that the two will be settlingin. No territorial and jealousy has setin.

If you can take pictures of all the bunnies thatthe lady brings to you, and see if you can get advice andinfo when you post the pictures.

Rainbows! :D
Bonding all depends on the bunny. My2-year-old, Iszy, can absolutely NOT be bonded with any otherrabbits. She loves to watch her sister through the cage, butwhen they get together Iszy plays the dominance game.

If you do try to bond your bunnies, do not take your eyes off them. They can seriously injure each other.
you might want to try getting a pair that'salready bonded. otherwise, it might be better to start with one and gofrom there as said above. eventually, it might be good to get a friendfor the bunny.

the best thing i did was to get a friend for my jordi-girl.
Ya, Like this morning. I have two french lopdoes. They've been fine until this morning. They started to fight forwhich was going to be the boss if their new house, they were movedtogether because they are sisters and use to live together since theirsecond rabbit show, which was this past sunday and now they don't livetogether. Watch out for them fighting does. Some does are also justplain old nasty.

I have two bonded unspayed does. Theirprevious owner kept them together for a year and a half and claimedthey didn't fight. Well, they didn't really but they sure didchase each other a lot and get grumpy! I haven't seen themchase since they were moved into their huge new cage, though, so reallybig cages help.:) And by really big I mean 28 in wide by 56inches long with a 14 x 56 second level for two dwarfrabbits. Their last cage wasn't *too* small but they couldn'tget away from each other. And their spay appointments areset.:D

That being said, never underestimate the gender fairy. Evenwith experienced breeders, the gender of young rabbits is sometimesmistaken. You could end up with a boy and a girl by accident.

The other problem is with getting two young rabbits and then theirpersonality changes a little with puberty. Suddenly theyfight... and fight... and fight... It's hard to tell ifthey'll get along later or not if you get them at 8 weeks old.
Since you said you are probably getting baby, itmight not work out in the end. First off, you may end up with differentsexes than expectedand seeing as I have 3 males and none ofthem get along enought ot be together, I know how rough it can be.

2 rabbits may get along great from the time you get them but once theyhit the "teen years" you could have fighting on your hands and couldrequire the rabbits to be separated. My 2 older boys were housedtogether for months (they were together for 5 months after being fixed)and then one day they just started trying to kill eachother. I'll nevertry to put them together again because Spice is very tempermental withopther bunniesand territorial so I know it wont work.

Rabbits hit sexual maturity at 12 weeks, if you end up with a femaleand male pair (either accidentally or on purpose) you could face aproblem of breeding. Rabbits would have to separated from 12 weeks to 6months (the age they can be fixed). It gets rather expensive to have 2rabbits fixed.

Other than that, I know bonded pairs are awesome but perhaps just get ababy for now and when it's older, get another adult from a shelter orsomething so you don;t ahve fighting incidents.

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