New Member
We just got two bunnies about 2 weeks ago, the man we bought them from didn't tell us that one is male and the other female. Obviously he is not neutered and is chasing her around like crazy in the cage. A few days ago he bit me, scared me a little as I've never been bit by a rabbit before but he's fine now. I was told to only use pine shavings in the cage, no pellets this other kind of food which is round. They get a treat occasionally such as yogurt and carrots. I clean the cage out daily and scrub it once a week. I am not sure how to trim their nails and may need someone to help with that. They are very sweet bunnies! We take them out every day for "play time" and bonding but I want to know how to keep the mess less messy, they are a lot of work to clean up after, they kick the shavings out of the cage all the time which i just vacuum up but any advice or help with anything would be great! Also should I get another cage and seperate them? At least until he's neutered?