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rabbitluvr04 wrote:
He is a boy, can anything happen during the procedure thatcould kill him? I am getting nervous!:shock:
There is a percentage of risk with any surgery.

Neutering is a low-risk procedure.

I recommend that you speak to the vet about these concerns.

I'm sure that your bunnie will be fine, though.

Good Luck, Good Thoughts and Prayers are sent your way.

Keep us posted!!

Positive thoughts and prayers go out to you and the little mon.

Keep us posted when he's out of the surgery tomorrow.


The risk is low with an experienced rabbit vetdoing the surgery. I've had two bucks over the past year withtesticular cancer, so I do recommend neutering pet rabbits.

Good thoughts and prayers sent!

Keep us updated!

Oh yeah...'s a bunnie rule.. have to buy him a new toy after being neutered.

hey remmeber me, its Midnight01 lol. i hopeeverything goes well with the procedure. i want midnight to have babiessomeday, so im not getting him neutured. well wait a minute.....rightnow its april, well i hope ur rabbit is feeling great andtell him to get better for me ^_^ YAY TWINKY! lol