Tumnus licked me!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
I just wanted to share because Im so happy!

As you all know, Tumnus was a rescue. He is very funny andloves to play, but rarely cuddles. This is why Im having such as hardtime bonding him to my other two, because he doesnt like to sit stilland those two are definite cuddle buns.

Anyway, I was just petting him in his cage (he hardly ever lets anyonepet him) and he licked my hand! I almost screamed I was so happy. Maybeafter some more time he will become more of a lover...

Hurray for bunny kisses :bunnieskiss
yay!! :elephant:That's just how I feltwhen on the second time I ever held the baby I want at the shelter, Iwas petting his head and he did the same... I just held very still likeoh my god! he is licking me!!! its very special. I am so glad your guyis coming around


Congrats! That's great news :bunnydance:

Oh the joys of rabbit tounges :heart:


Haley, this is great news! I'm really happy foryou... and identify. Nibbles was a nipper (hard nips), but has nowturned into a licker. I was so thrilled when she first lickedme, and still appreciate it a lot. It means a great deal to me - withher being willing to trust me (and stop being Ms. Alpha, too).
Thanks guys!

My boyfriend says Im being pathetic now bc Im hanging around Tumnus hoping for another kiss...

Ah well, now all I have to do is get him to kiss the other boys.Thats the hard part;)
Oh YAY!!! Go, Mr. Tumnus!! What a sweetheart!

I have yet for either of mine to give actual licking kisses, thoughFlower gives sniff-mommy's-nose kisses til I can't take the tickling nomore! :)

Someday I know she'll give me a lick or two, though...she's too lovey-dovey NOT to! :)

Anyway, good for you!!! YAY!! I just love Mr. Tumnus...he's such a cutie-pie!!