Trying not to let it get me down........

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
I guess I am not doing so well with my attempt to not get down from all of what is/has been going on. I think the final straw will be if anything else happens! I need a shoulder .... :(

Here's sort of what has been going on in my life.....

  • Started off with Kota and his cold at the trainer's.. I was worried and we had to travel each day to go check on him. He got better.
  • I've had some bad dental issues/treatments
  • John's work has been so slow for a year.... now they've even cut back hours.. it's so bad financially :( We're paying some bills but not all
  • Got the baby goat and he died
  • John's grandma died
  • Pokie got an abscess in her hoof that we are treating.
  • One of Luke's lambs cut his leg really bad and we had to staple it shut, give him antibiotics.
  • I've had a stomach flu and haven't been able to go see my Great Nephew since the first day after he was born.
  • My sister was diagnosed with Lupus
  • My Sister Inlaw's horse is sick with a bad thing....Horse Strangles (they get abscessed glands that break open and drain pus from their neck ewww) I think they suspect Kota carried it in but his wasn't anything like this. He had a runny nose.
  • My son's graduating in a few weeks and we don't even know if we can get the money to send him to college.
  • Pokie started getting the snots like SIL's horse 2 nights ago.
  • Son's lamb died this morning. :cry2
I'm so sorry things are so rough for you Bo and that you've lost so many loved ones.

Try to focus on whatever needs dealing with at any one time, and not necessarily the whole picture, because the whole picture can feel and be completely overwhelming, but the immediate task might be manageable.

You've been really good to me in the past and if you ever need a chat my PM box is open. Ok?
Bo, I'm so sorry for all these bad things happening to you.

I'll pray that things will get better for you,


Susan :pray:
HUGS!!! What a difficult group of circumstances to happen all at one time. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with so much all at once. I hope some happiness happens for you very very soon.
SOOOSKA wrote:
Bo, I'm so sorry for all these bad things happening to you.

I'll pray that things will get better for you,


Susan :pray:

:hug: You are having a time too, I'm praying and thinking of you as well.

I sure hope things get better for all of us. Sometimes it just hits me hard. I want to do so much for so many but it seems like ALL of us are in a pinch.

My niece who had the baby...... her hubby had just gotten a business in the past few months.... during the time they were in the hospital their loan payment was due and they missed it...... $300..... so the guy who loaned them the money (the old owner) recalled the loan and took the business back! He let them pay everything off that he owed, and he waited for the first opportunity to take it from them! People suck.
Oh man Bo I am SO sorry, this is way too much for a person to handle. I'm so sorry you have been dealing with so many sad and difficult things. Big hugs to you from all of us, you must be completely overwhelmed.
Aww Pennie, I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time at the moment. It's no wonder you feel down with all that going on. I hate the way that for everyone these bad things seem to always come at once... :(

I really hope things get better for you soon. Feel free to PM me anytime, even if it's just to see a funny picture of Mouse ;)

Big hugs to, your family and your furkids! :hug:
You could SEND me mouse! :)
Something that gave me a smile today was that I went over to my cousin's house next door.... they weren't home but we were looking at the new rooster and checking on our ducks..... and then of course i had to check on their bunnies!! and I got to see 2 of the mini-rex babies peek out of their nest (it's a big tub and it's hard to see inside) and they were SOOOOOOOO cute... little black nose :hearts:

THEN, I checked on the nest of babies my sis inlaw ran over. They have their eyes open now! they are popcorn cottontails... I won't be able to check the nest anymore cause they will pop out if I do LOL!
Something as small as checking on the bunnie and other animals seems to have brightened your day. Believe me I've had my share of bad news since last year. I'll spare the details here since this your thread. Things will get better. Or at least that is what people keep telling me.
Pennie, sorry to hear things are so bad for you right now :( It seems like they always happen at once. I know this isn't much, but your son could get student loans, scholarships and apply for financial aid. He doesn't need to rely on you to pay for his college, lots of kids finance their own education. I'll be taking out some student loans here in a couple months. Please don't feel guilty if you can't pay for his school for him, college is ridiculously expensive.
Thanks! pla, I hope your stuff gets better too!

Snowy, yeah, we know about the scholarships and student loans and all that...... we're trying to get some of that..... hubby made too much money last year, but next year we'll probably qualify for a lot more.

I was just talking to our neighbor and she lost her job due to the economy also. It's just crazy!!
As far as your son's education goes, I assume you've done the FAFSA and financial aid stuff at his college, but really there are a ton of random scholarships out there that not many people apply for. They're not necessarily large, but they do add up.

Also, I definitely know how Lupus goes. My essentially step brother was diagnosed 2.5 years ago when he was 15 and he has a very serious case of Lupus. We've definitely had our ups and downs but I've learned a lot from it. If you ever want to talk, let me know.
Today is "World Lupus Day" after all.
Wow, I didn't know it was Lupus day...... :shock:

Yes, we've filed FAFSA, and he got a bit of money from Purdue, but not nearly what he needs...... we'll see.

My sister is 48 and she's got insulin resistant diabetes, smokes like a freight train and has emphysema, has had pancreatitis 2 or 3 times since Thanksgiving......

She's not doing well.......
I know that this probably not what your son wants to do but maybe he can attend a community college for a year. Perhaps he can work and save money. Community Colleges have changed over the years and many offer courses from major universities. I know the local one here offers courses from Drexel University and the University of Central Michigan amongst others.Onlinecourses arean option too.Just a thought.

I am still paying on my college loans from twenty years ago.
Yeah, hubby wanted him to attend Rose-Hulman (he did get accepted there) but I couldn't figure out how he thought we could come up with $31,000 for this year LOL! Son got about $20,000 in scholarships and stuff there but still! That's almost double a year of what we have to pay for Purdue.

It's really ridiculous what college costs these days... Luckily they want as many scientists as they can so grad school in the sciences is a paying gig! If your son is at all interested in science, there are a lot of professional organizations that have scholarships (he'd have to declare his major and stuff though, so it probably won't help for the first year).

Also, if a need-based student job isn't part of the financial aid package, getting a job as an undergrad researcher/assistant in a lab can be pretty lucrative, not to mention good on any future applications. I know of undergrads who get $15/hr to do some menial work in labs, and also get to do research of their own (which is what will get you noticed in science, if he wants a career in it). Purdue is a great school. At a bigger school, you do have to go out looking for opportunities like that (instead of at a smaller school where they may be looking for you, you may be buddies with a prof who has connections, etc.), but with asking around, a lab assistant job should be pretty easy to find. Science is lucky that we're getting additional money (stimulus plans, fed agencies, etc), although the last 8 years have been a bit of a drought, so many labs are expanding.

I'm sorry so many bad things are happening to you at once. I remember when I was in middle school and in the span of maybe 6 months, my grandpa and aunt died, which was my first real experience with death. It really put me into a funk that it took me years (and some therapy) to get out of.

I hope that things improve, that all the animals get better, and that your sister's health improves. Sometimes it takes a real big kick in the butt to make someone take their own health seriously. And dental issues are no fun either. Take time to relish in the things that make you happy, so that dealing with the tough stuff is easier. I find that when school gets really stressful, I spend a lot of time at and playing with my bunnies (guess who all got nail trims, scent glands, and weighed lately? oh yes I have an exam tomorrow).

Actually, he's accepted and signed to go to Purdue School of Science. He's HUGE interested in Biochem with agricultural interests. (Wants to do something like work as a scientist at Dow Chem)......

I'm going to start pushing on the colleges he wanted to attend..... Purdue and Rose-Hulman - If they want him, they'll help us find a way. If not, he might have to wait a year. I dont' want him to but sometimes life throws us curveballs.

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