try and answer this!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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[font="arial,verdana"]Why do you have to "put your two cents in". but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?
me-:expressionless stumpped
mouse_chalk wrote:
1penny = 1.6 cents so maybe! :D

In the US, one cent and one penny are the same thing!

Just yesterday, I heard an author on the radio talking about a book he wrote, about interesting idioms from around the world.
BethM wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
1penny = 1.6 cents so maybe! :D

In the US, one cent and one penny are the same thing!

Just yesterday, I heard an author on the radio talking about a book he wrote, about interesting idioms from around the world.
I'm an interesting idiot... hope he puts me in his next book!

(Sorry Beth, couldn't resist the parallel :biggrin2:)
lol. it claers it up.
i diid not undersatnd the no.s but that what comes to a suppected dyscalculia sufferer.
The extra cent goes to brain tax. It is actually a reminder. Being *asked* for your opinion is a lot more valuable then just spouting off your own opinion, because if you are asked then you get a penny but if you just spout off then you have to give them 2 cents. (Yeah, I'm an accounting major, lol)

Really though if you want the nerdy homeschooler answer, the sayings probably actually have two completely different origins. I am guessing that "putting my two cents in" had something to do with poker and anteing up. But I have no clue about the penny for thoughts one, and I am actually just making this all up.

As far as pennies vs cents. A penny is 1 cent. A dime is 10 cents. But a dime is not 10 pennies. You can have 10 pennies and it will make 10 cents, but it won't make a dime. A penny is the name of a denomination of money, a cent is the actual money. Like a quarter is 25 cents. But if you have 25 pennies you wouldn't say you had a quarter and if you had two dimes and a nickle you wouldn't say you had a quarter, but you would say you had 25 cents. Ok, so you are more confused now. Oh well.
I think it's because when you are asked for your thoughts, you filter stuff out.. but when you are giving your opinion, you give it frankly? So you throw in more than a penny worth of thoughts? :p
:laugh::great: thats funny, i was laughing out loud into my self thre now
bat42072 wrote:
taxes...the goverment taxes most everything else why not
:ponder: i think we have a few comedians on the site... lets start a comdy show online!:dude:

Nancy McClelland wrote:
we think it's due to inflation!

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