Trip to the ER again

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
Bloomfield, New York, USA
Was feeling rotten at work - pain in my back radiating to the front - felt like throwing up.

Saw my doc - he said no fever, no infection - go to ER for CAT scan and bloodwork.

ER doc says the CAT scan found calcifications...doc said stone is probably too small to really cause a problem but big enough to cause pain.

So, I am off of work today (doc's orders) with pain meds and Axel is inside with me being a house rabbit for the day. He has been exploring...eating playing with his sisal carrot rattle and exploring the laminate floors - I wish they had texture so he could binky about- he has a towel he is resting on.

Juno will be in later to play.

Back to the sofa...

Oh you poor thing- that sounds so painful!

Did you have to go back to the ER in the end? Please update us when you can...

:hug: I hope you will feel better soon....
OK, not to get graphic but I cannot pee like normal but do not have any of the urinary tract infection signs when they checked me over in the I am watching that as best as I can... at the first sign that something is not right I am headed back.

All I want to do is sleep. The only thing that got me out of bed was that we had guests here this weekend as Andy's best friend Greg, who has lived with us a year and a half, is moving to California. His friends and family came out and we grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and I have more cake than I know what to do with!

That is going to be a tough day when Greg packs and leaves next week... he has become my third son. The kids here all wanted to see the animals - from the horses, to the pigs to Axel and Juno. They loved the bunnies and both bunnies were tolerant of being held and petted.

Fern, my white pig, decided to break loose from her outdoor pen and was just having a good time grazing until someone noticed her. She came when I called her and then I had to go get Cider, her buddy. The thing that got them moving quickly to the barn was when I told them "Dad has the grill going, let's get to the barn!"

A pig at a full gallop is funny to watch but they got the message. They are pets but folks always let a ham, bacon or porkchop joke go....

Just hoping I feel better tomorrow.

Yikes! I hope it starts to clear up soon!

Are Fern and Cider farm pigs? Oh my! I can imagine one of them at a full run, haha!!

It was nice of you to have a going away party. I bet you will miss him though. :(
Fern and Cider are rescued potbelly pigs - and I love them... they are real characters and my Axel loves to look at them during his turnout time in the barn.

I am really going to miss Greg - while he is not mine biologically, he is mine through my heart - he and Andy have been friends since they were 6 (Greg) and 5 (Andy). His mom was here today and she went through a tough time in her life and she sobbed on my shoulder that we were kind enough to provide him with a safe place for a year and a half when she could not...I told her that is what friends are for.

When we moved from the town where Greg and Andy were neighbors, Greg often spoke of a song called "Greg's Last Day" that made him sad when he heard it as it reminded him when we moved to a more rural area. I think if I heard it today, I would cry. I am glad Greg had time here to see why we moved here, and I laugh every time he sings John Denver's "Thank God I'm a Country Boy."


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