Trimming Hair

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I've been thinking about how hot my boys can getin the summer and I was wondering if it would be ok to clip the hair ontheir bellies fairly short so that when they stretch out, they can cooloff faster.

It doesn't get overly hot here but enough that I worry about heatstroke with my boys. I wouldn't cut it all off, I realize that a shavedbelly wouldn't do very good on chilly nights. I just want to trim it toabout half the length.

Is there any particular reason I shouldn't do this?
I don't see any reason why you couldn't.

Sebbie gets shaved bald, dogs get their hair cut down in the summer... why not your buns?

My rabbits hair is already short, so I dont need to worry, but, really, I don't see why you couldn't.
Well Sebbie is inside. My boys are outside and goin outside pens so I want them to have some fur to keep them warm ontheir bellies.

My boys have short hair, but their bellies are long and I feel so bad for them in the summer!
That's true, Sebbie stays indoors.

But you're not shaving their bellies right off though. Trimming theirbelly hair, in my mind, can't hurt them. It's just fur... it will growback.

They should be able to stay warm still on the cooler nights. Especially if they're used to our cold Canadian winters.

I say go for it :) If you find they feel cold, put some hay in with them for insulation.
That was my same thought process. I figured somehair would prevent them from getting chilled when sitting on wire whileless would still allow a more sufficient way of getting rid of extraheat.

Although it would be funny to see a shaved Mocha or Spice, I'll stick to just trimming the bellies!

As for straw, I always keep straw in their boxes because the odd night does get cold even in the summer.
Sebastian wasoutside last summer though. He didn't come inside to live until thefall. Except when it got intolerably hot during thesummer...

I think it would be a fine idea to trimit short. As I recall the posts about temperature has said they cantolerate cool temps fine. It's the heat that is a threat. I know if Icould lay around with a cool belly I'd be much happier! :p

;)*Thinks ofRaspberry saying she was going to gostreaking at the Boat House party.*
Streaking?! lol I don't think I've heard that one yet!!

I'm always up for streaking haha, I really can't stand clothes :p

Anyway, if you keep straw in there anyway, I wouldn't worry about your buns!

I think, its easier for people to warm up if they're too cold then it is to be too hot and try to cool down.

I know I myself would rather be colder than hotter!
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
I know I myself would rather be colder than hotter!
I used to think that, until I remembered how much I hate Canadian winters, LOL.

As for the streaking, I think it was brought up in the Boat House party post.
Yes, Canadian winters sure do stink!! lol

But, still, when its cold out, you stay inside, and if its cold inside,well you add more blankets, but when its like 100 degrees out, andtrust me Toronto can get up to about 104, it happens in the summer, andyou're completely naked and you're still boiling, thats what stinks!!lol
How cool does it get at night during thesummer?If you're trimming just the tummy hair, if they got tocold they could simply curl up to cover their tummys. On the GermanAngora board that I belong to, they still shear their bunnies in thewinter, just not quite as short, and that's the whole body. I don'tknow why, but for some reason, Angora's seem to be most prevelant innorth east US and it's colder here than other places of the US.

Everyone thinks Raspberry and me are mistreating our bun's by shearingthem, but you'll be amazed at how happy they are once you've done it.Mr.Wiggles is going through his lazy phase right now because he's readyfor a shear, but as soon as he's sheared he turns into a completelydifferent bun. Running around, doing binkies.

Give it a try, it can't hurt. If you change your mind, I heard of a lady who knits bunny sweaters out of Angora wool! :D


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