Thanks eveybunny. We appreciate theprayers. We still don't know what is causing theproblem. Thursday, Presley went for a check up and got aperfect bill of health. He and another bunny were dumped atmy friend's house in a box back in August. Presley had aterrible stab wound on his head and stab wounds all over hisbody. Part of his eye lid was torn. He and Ali werefilthy, pee covered and underweight.
We think someone dumped them at Beth's house because she is an animalshelter director. Presley was on Baytril and an eye drop for 2weeks. Beth asked me to take them while they waited for anopening at Buckeye HRS.We got the boysneutered. Any way, the issue with the hoarder came up soBuckeye is very full andmy husband and I were gettingattached. We decided to keep both boys. They are sovery sweet in spite of the terrible treatment someone gave them.
Friday, every bunny got their pellets. 2 hours later I tookthem their salads and Presleywas trying to climb hispen. He does this sometimes when he gets excited about food.I picked him off the pen and asI was putting him down, hesquirmed, twisted and thumped his backside, left hip area. Heshook himself and hopped away just fine. Started eating hissalad, ate most of it and then stopped and went to the other side ofthe pen.
Usually he eats it all and doesn't take a break. Later onFriday night he seemed quieter than normal and he left a small part ofhis salad uneaten. He was still eating hay.Saturday, he seemed to be favoring his left side a tiny, tiny bit -hopping and then the occassional step//walk. Nothing wasbroken and Ithought he might have twisted or bruisedhimself.Saturday night it was obvious there wassomething wrong. He seemed to be having a problem eating andthe left side of his lower lip/ cheek area looked puffy. Hewas still trying to eat and I gave him some slurry in a plasticsyringe.I finally found my Metacam and gave him asmall dose rather than the aspirin.
I am kicking myself for not taking him to ER last night. Ididn't go because we were having a nasty snow storm but hang it all, Ishould have gone any way. I am so completely sick of livingin the snow belt.
This morning, I couldn't entice him to eat and his lip/cheek waspuffy. He had peed on the floor and also had gone and peed inhis litter box (it was clean at bedtime last night). He hadvery small poops so I took him to ER.
What we do know is that he is very bright and alert - not like a bunnyready to die. He has no signs of stasis at all, nothingbroken though he probably has some soft tissue injury on hiship. The vet was unable to get a good look at his mouth onthe left side due to the puffiness. My rabbit specialist isgoing in late tonight or early tomorrow morning and will take herspecial instrument with her. It's a tiny, tiny camera on avery thin flexible wand that projects an image on to a small TV likescreen. They hope to get a good look at his mouth.
They don't know if there is an abcess or if it's possible he has someforeign object wedged in his gum. It's just so strange thathe abruptly stopped eating his salad. Makes me wonder ifsomething was in it.
He was really hungry and readily took Critical Care from the syringeinto the right side of his mouth. He ate for me and for thetechnician. He continues to be very alert and he is lovinghaving his right cheek scratched and a nose rub. He doesn'thave any fever. He did get subcutaneous fluids and painmeds. They are holding offon antibiotic in casethey find an abcess and need to culture it.
My poor boy has been through so much and he just the sweetestbunny. He has been bonding with Frodo and this simply isn'tfair. Frodie already had her Dubya bunny boy die from amassive heart attack. Frodie is doing fine tonight flirtingwith Ali and grooming him. Dr. Melody Frankenbunny is theonly bunny who seems upset. The rest could care less and justwant their pellets and grooming.
I should know more early tomorrow morning. Please keep us in your prayers.