Well-Known Member
Well today I started training my bunnies. I amhoping to get them to come to me everytime I call them. I am using atechnique much like you would with a dog, using my voice, handsignaland food reward. As soon as much bunny touches his noseto my fingers, (I hold the treat between my thumb and palm of my hand)I let the treat drop so he can eat it. Then at least if they choose toignore my voice, maybe they will not ignore my hand signals, lol. Sofar after only doing this about 6 times with the bunnies, they arelearning quite well! Spice was really quick to learn that it means atreat and will come running from the other side of the run to get it,while Mocha was set on getting me to come to him, he did a few timescome to me, but not always, I just sat down and held my ground,constantly repeating until he chose to come to me. Then he gets pats, Ihope to be able to cut back on the treats after about a week of thisand just completely replace with pats. Might take longer though,anyways, wish me luck!