Christina - Moderator
So, A crane collapsed ontop fo some cars today at the 405 101 freeway interchange, right by my house. They made an announcement at the end of the school day that the 405 north was closed and that sepulveda, which runs alongside the freeway, was closed. Everyone else was ranting about Sunset being crowded, but they all live to the South, not to the North.
We cut through Bel Air, that took us 3 hours. 3 hours to go less than 10 miles. I am NOT a happy camper!
We did play the ugly house, pretty house game in carpool, deciding what parts of each house we liked and didn't like. It was boring.
We cut through Bel Air, that took us 3 hours. 3 hours to go less than 10 miles. I am NOT a happy camper!
We did play the ugly house, pretty house game in carpool, deciding what parts of each house we liked and didn't like. It was boring.