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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
, , USA
what toys can i give my rabbit that could be found in my house hold?

what toys could i make?

what are goood toys that a rabbit loves to paly with that isn't store bought?

what are some toys your rabbit plays with that you made or found in your house?
Around the house/you can make- toilet paper and paper towel rolls stuffed with hay and a couple small treats (Like pellets or crasins), cardboard boxes with holes cut out, a paper lunch bag cut with a couple of holes and stuffed with hay etc, newspaper jellyfish (cardboard poked with lots of holes, fill each hole with a strip of newspaper), diggy box (cardboard box filled with shredded paper).

Store bought, but cheap, is cement forms, they are cardboard and chewable, but only about 8 bucks and make great tunnels.

I also just saw a great one here that you make a box from a piece of paper, and stick a treat or a couple pellets inside, I'll try to find the link

They often love kid stuff, kid plastic keys, cups, anything they can pick up and throw around but not eat :D
Ours love anything cardboard and tubes. Brown paper grocery bags are a hit too. Lastly, we have a couple of Big litter boxes filled with hand shredded newspaper--good for digging, tunneling and hide and seek. Coal gets in there and all you see is the paper moving, sometimes her ears, or she'll pop up like a prairie dog.

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