Totally unintentional

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
In another thread, a member posted a very interesting genetics explanation, including the following portion:

"These get larger than the true dwarf rabbits and arereferred to as BUDs (big ugly does) or BUBs (big ugly bucks)."

And I got to's a BUB.....





P.S. don't shoot me, all you Bub-lovers....I'm getting him back for yesterday's spray-fest. hehehe ;)
:nonono:HE the BUB not a bub.

Look at cute he is. Now you just know that with a comment likethat you are going to need a rain slicker to visit Bub.


I think he's saying "Yes, that is genuine galvanized steel cage material, and very secure. It passes my inspection."
Perhaps he is working for Homeland Security on the side...
He is definately NOT ugly, though - at least physically!
sfritzp wrote:
Ithink he's saying "Yes, that is genuine galvanized steel cage material,and very secure. It passes my inspection."

DAILY inspection, I might add. Like it's changed overnight.:p

hehe, I know he's not ugly (quite handsome and proud of it, heis!)...but yesterday he got me good.....FFFFSSSSHT BOING BOING BOING!:XThus my revenge, albeit small.

those dang Pal

dajeti2 wrote:
:nonono:HE the BUB not a bub.

Look at cute he is. Now you just know that with a comment likethat you are going to need a rain slicker to visit Bub.



Oh yeah, like I don't need one anyway?? :p

ROSE!!!!!!!!! Youmade mY Bubbers look like aBeaver LMAO!! how cute is he!!!! I am going to sneakeryou a baby and snatchBub and RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gypsy wrote:
ROSE!!!!!!!!! You mademY Bubbers look like a BeaverLMAO!! how cute is he !!!! I amgoing to sneaker you ababy and snatch Bub andRUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made him look like that?????!!!!


That's his own evil little plot. He has two sides::angel:and:mad:

Guess which one's showing there.....

And you think I wouldn't notice the lack of FFFFSSSSSHT boing boing ifyou stole my boy and left a sweet baby? You wouldn't get far before youwould be BEGGING togive him back. wriggle wriggle FFFSSHT allover the car (did you know he can even spray upsidedown??:shock:).....bwahahahaha



P.S. guess who taught him this trick?



Yup, Pandemonium....seriously....they used to be neighbors, and she'd start rattling, then he'd start rattling....:X
dajeti2 wrote:
:nonono:HE the BUB not a bub.

Look at cute he is. Now you just know that with a comment likethat you are going to need a rain slicker to visit Bub.



Tina, you were right.:XNot once, not twice, but four or fivetimes this morning!! I swear that boy is 90% bladder and 10 lbs. ofstinker attitude.


Can't win.....:p

BUT BUTRose !!!! He loves Youand just how many men can uchem 4 to5 times a day LMBO!!!!! , oreven in an hour lol . He isjust showing you he loves youSOOOOOOOOOOOO much lol .Besides I have Clothspinsheheheheheheheh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rabbitgirl wrote:

And you think I wouldn't notice the lack of FFFFSSSSSHT boing boingif you stole my boy and left a sweet baby? You wouldn't get farbefore you would be BEGGING togive him back. wriggle wriggleFFFSSHT all over the car (did you know he can even spray upsidedown??:shock:).....bwahahahaha
All she needs to do is put a sprinkler in his cage and you won't even noticeI bet lol.

Sweet loving Bub - I can't believe your mommy would DARE :pcall you a BUB. You are the darling Bub.


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