torn claw question

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New Member
Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
, Arizona, USA

just took my bunny out of the cage to discover it had somehow torn outone of it's claws on accident somehow, has this ever happened to anyoneelse? very ignorant on this, so pardon my questions. do theygrow back? if i keep it disinfected is that the only thing to worryabout? i'm not sure i have the funds right now for the vet. so if thereisn't much
they could do i would like to avoid it, but of course if it's serious i wouldn't hesitate to find some money somehow.

thanks for your time in reading this
and for any thoughts or answers you may have
If it is still bleeding, apply corn starch tostop the blood. Just keep an eye on it forinfection.It will grow back. ;)

[Edited by Lissa....I meant corn starch not baking soda]
Is it still bleeding. If so pack thetorn nail with some Quick Stop. If you don't have that you can use cornstarch, if none of that try baby powder. The bleeding should stopsoon.

The nail will eventually grow back. As you can imagine it canbe pretty painful. So that toe may be a bit sore. Bunnies are mastersat hiding their discomfort so keep that in mind. She may not want youfooling with it too much. Just make sure to keep it clean.

How often do you cut his or her nails? The reason I'm asking isnails that aren't clipped regularly tend to get long and are more proneto being torn.

I hope this helps.

much gratitude to you both
yeah i think i let his claws grow too much
i'll have to start cutting them more frequently

Is the nail still there or a piece ofit? If there is no nail at all in that toe, it may not growback. Not to worry you...still don't need a vet. Ifthe rabbit tore the nail and the root of it, it may not growback. However, if you can feel part of it then it will growback.

BlueBelle torea nail once. I'm notsure how she did it I had just cut them.She cangetpretty crazy in her cage sometimes. It took a while for it to grow backin, but it's fine now. It never did seem to bother her either. Isuspect it won't bother your bunny just as long as it doesn't getinfected.


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