too much stress?

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Dwarf lover

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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, , Canada
when i get my rabbit im briging him into our house not ouside but our cat lives in side 24/7the hole househas cat hair throughit and pet storerabbitsprobally have never seen a cat before and the dehumidefier isreal close to the cage and he will be put in new surroundings .

will the rabbit get sick from all the stress ?
You might try vacuuming up all the cat hair inthe room the rabbit is going to be in so the smell wouldn't be asstong. The stress isn't necessarily good for them so make sure you givethem time to adjust to the new surroundings before you start trying tohandle your new addition.
Give your new bunny time to settle in for a fewdays before you introduce the cat. Most bunnies accept catsvery well. :) There are a number ofthreads on this forum about bunnies playing with their cat housemates.

Let your bunny settle in for a couple of days if possible.

We have three rabbits and two cats, all indoor pets. The rabbits runthe house and have been known to bully the cats from time to time. So Ithink you should be ok. :)
Just do it very slowly and let them sniff eachother through the bars of the rabbits cage. Don't put them in aposition where they can attack each other.
but i think my cat will introduce her self...she is a good jumper but this time we put legs underneath the cage thatare 20 inhigh.
I think it should be ok. Just give therabbit a few days before you let the cat around when it is out of thecage. My cats are big babies and are all scared to death ofthe rabbits. Sampson, my Flemish, chases them around thehouse.

I have a cat too and I used to bring my bunniesin for a play when they were young but then i stopped as it got warmerand now if i bring them in they get stressed.It all depends on therabbit. Why don't you bring your bun in for a play first to see how shereacts?:)

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