Too much chocolate

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Jan 10, 2008
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Kent, , United Kingdom
Hi all,
I'm very fond of chocolate anywayand with it being just after Christmas, there are some extra treats around like boxed chocs and special tins of biscuits. This evening, having got my appetite back(as Ebony seems to be doing well now) I had a normal dinner (ready mealas am too tired to cook) then too many chocolate treats and soponfuls of ice-cream. I'm ok, justfeeling over full. Where's the "moderation" switch in my brain.....:embarrassed:

Jo xx
Around this time of year, I think I over indulge as well!

I had my birthday party last night, and we had ice cream cake. Now I've got left over ice cream cake in my freezer, and I know I'm going to make myself sick with it.

I'm eating a date square that Ryan's grandmother made, very delicious.

It's a good thing I go back to school on Monday.

I'm the same. I go back to school tomorrow, although I was working today so it kinda felt like today was the beginning of 2009! I'm attempting my healthy eating regime. Scratch that, balanced eating. I eat too much crap in general. Today I ate : Breakfast - Rice Krispies with a bit of sugar. Snack - Grapes. Lunch - pasta with carbonara sauce and melon iced tea. I had a bottle of Irn Bru at about 4 and haven't had dinner yet. I'm kinda proud of that. I haven't eaten anything you could call 'unhealthy' over moderation. I also had a cheese straw - perhaps thats my 'naughty' thing. Its better than eating the whole packet like I usually would!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
We go back to school Wednesday :XHate school...I atea bit over Christmas but when I go back to school I'll start forgetting to eat again. I think Christmas is the time to eat as much as you want :biggrin2:
If there's ever a time to eat what you want and enjoy life, it's the Christmas season, surely! :D

I got loads of chocolate this year, and recently I haven't been big on chocolate, (I NEVER thought that would happen lol) so I was very good over the actual Christmas, but the last few days I've been pigging out on it :)

My resolution is not to eat just healthy foods and no bad, it's to cook more, experiment more, and eat a wider range of foods. That hopefully are more healthy lol:p I've cooked 2 new meals this weekend, a lamb curry yesterday and butternut squash soup tonight, so healthy and 2 new recipes to add to my list!

I don't see the point of eating stuff you don't enjoy. Food is to be enjoyed :biggrin2:
Agreed, except I'm a picky eater and eat nothing, the only veg Ieat are carrots and spudsand the only meat I'll eat is chicken, but I won't eat those whole chickens, it has to be processed crap like chicken nuggets or chicken burgers which probably half of it isn't even chicken. I think ''real'' chicken meat like on whole chickens is really chewy and icky and you have to chew it for ages before you can swallow, yuck! Because of my pickyness I hardly eat at all :(I wish I could eat a more wide range of food.
You've reminded me I have some gourmet butterscotch crunch in my cupboard from christmas! Yum, I'm off to eat some haha. It's not a good start to eating healther and smaller portions lol. Jen, enjoying food is completly true maybe I'll scratch the healthy food and start eating proper dinners, not numerous slices of toast for dinner:?

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