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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Elven Grove, Florida, USA

[align=center]Happy Birthday to:[/align]



[align=center]He is a veteran member who hasn’t posted in quite a while. We hope he and his rabbits, Tinkerbell and Beanie, are doing well![/align]



[align=center]Also a veteran member, Kitana and her rabbit Midnight graced our forums in 2005. Perhaps they will come to visit us again![/align]



[align=center]Mike E. joined in November of 2006. His involvement in the site put a smile on many faces, along with his beautiful rabbits, Mongo, Daisy, Pebbles, Baby Boo and Teddy. The last we heard, he was having trouble with his back, injured in an accident before he became an avid bunny lover. Hopefully he is doing all right. His presence here is missed.[/align]



[align=center]Happy birthday college gal! Flynn, the gorgeous red mini rex is certainly one of my favorites! And if you’ve read his blog, then I’m sure he’ll be one of yours, as well! Go bask in all the cuteness and wish some happy birthdays on this bunny slave![/align]



[align=center]If that wasn’t ENOUGH red mini rex goodness, this member has the exact same birthday as Jess_Sully, and the exact same breed and color rabbit! Go figure! Happy birthday to Riley’s bunny slave![/align]



[align=center]Happy Birthday, Marit! Marit is one of our members from Norway! She has an entire website devoted to her beloved Petter Rabbit! The site has beautiful photographs of Petter, her home and her beautiful country! Marit last posted with us in 2006. Here’s hoping that she comes back to visit someday soon to give us an update on her handsome bunny boy![/align]



[align=center]Let’s welcome the following new members!!![/align]

[align=center]Colleen, Charlie’s bunny slave, is a new member from Tennessee. Charlie is a black and white bunny, and we’re hoping to see photos soon![/align]


[align=center]Miaikochopstix is a new California member. She has two rabbits. An English Angora named Dasshi and a Holland Lop named Crater! Please go give her a warm welcome and go see these two cuties![/align]



[align=center]Aina’s male finch, Tweedledee, has passed away. Fly free sweet birdy, over the Rainbow Bridge![/align]



[align=center]A New Caption Contest is Up and Running! Come join the fun and laughter of creating funny things to go along with the posted photo![/align]

[align=center]Vote on Caption Contest #8! One Day ONLY!!![/align]


[align=center]Raspberry82 is looking for some feedback. She wants to adopt another rabbit and is wondering about the breed and age of the rabbit affecting the hormones and how the rabbit will act[/align]


[align=center]Long-time member, Mambo101, Dave, is looking for someone to take over the care of his rabbits. He cannot take them with him into the home he will be moving into. If you are in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area and are able to take these rabbits into your heart and home, or know of a good rabbit home for them, please come read. Even if you cannot take the rabbits, please come offer your caring words.[/align]


[align=center]Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer!!! LadyOnslaught’s surprise litter has a curious bunny running the roost! Go see all the things “she” got into! And of course, demand photos!!![/align]


[align=center]Do you have a biter? Happi Bun has experienced one at the rescue![/align]


[align=center]tiabia0 is wondering what stores you buy your wood pellets from[/align]


[align=center]JadeIcing asks, “Which is your bunny?” How would you categorize the rabbits in your household? Read here to find out who our rabbits are underneath it all![/align]


[align=center]Peg’s on her soapbox!!! What memories have you made with your buns lately???[/align]


[align=center]irishbunny is asking about rabbit training. What have you trained your rabbit to do and how did you do it?[/align]


[align=center]Lost and Found! We’re so glad Lint is home safe with Sabine!!![/align]


[align=center]Carolyn shares some heartwarming photos of a bunny and cat. Go look![/align]



[align=center]Soooska’s Buttercup is getting up in years and his coat is looking pretty rough. She has posted photos for input.[/align]


[align=center]Raspberry82 is looking for suggestions on how rabbits develop bladder infections. She’s a very concerned rabbit owner, and wants to do the best she can for Max.[/align]


[align=center]Do you crave chocolate? Floof does!!! She really wants to grab all she can! Go check in on this thread in the infirmary[/align]


[align=center]Rabbits and fleas! Hailiejade is trying some products and is asking for your insights into this bothersome problem.[/align]


[align=center]Angel just had Happy neutered today. Have you had your rabbit neutered? Come lend an ear and some comforting words as she gets through those first few days after surgery with him.[/align]



[align=center]Becca wants to feed her rabbits the best diet possible! Go look at her list and compare it to what you feed your buns. Suggestions are welcome![/align]


[align=center]Is your rabbit a little piggy that bolts down the food as soon as it hits the bowl (I know Elf does!). Go look at this thread and join Becca’s conversation about greedy bunnies[/align]


[align=center]Mr. Ici has a 6 month old biter! Have the hormones kicked in for Puddles? Read and find out![/align]


[align=center]delusional’s Cordie is building a nest. How she’s lining it is QUITE unusual. Go read and have a giggle![/align]


[align=center]Toby wanted a new hiding place, but kherrmann3 put an end to that nonsense! Go see where he was hiding and how kherrmann3 fixed the situation![/align]



[align=center]maikochopstix asks, What Breed is my Bunny? Go look at her photos and read her explanation to see if you can figure it out![/align]

[align=center]minirexmama is looking for some advice on the best show feed. Breeders are giving input, and it may influence you on what you feed your rabbits, too! Go have a read![/align]

[align=center]MissBinky’s Annabel is gorgeous! …but what breed is she? Checking her weight and build, she has everyone guessing! What do YOU think?

[align=center]Hayley411 is really wanting some educated guesses on what you would call Oliver’s coloring. He is a beautifully Vienna marked rabbit, but there’s more than meets the eye with this cutie. Come hazard a guess on what you would call the fur coloration![/align]


[align=center]DyemondRabbitry is teasing us with promises of photos of baby New Zealand Reds! Come encourage her to post those photos so we can all coo over the cuteness![/align]


[align=center]whaleyk98 is trying to train her babies to start posing! How do the show handlers manage to get them in the right place and just…stay??? Share your 2 cents here![/align]



[align=center]These blogs have NEW INFORMATION!!![/align]

[align=center]MyRabbits’ Warren and Cat Haven—MyRabbits has given us an update about what’s going on. Her vet has made some recommendations on different things to feed the rabbits and so she went and got a Costco card.[/align]

[align=center]Rusty and Akira!—Go get an update on Rusty and Akira and all of the mischief they are getting into together! [/align]

[align=center]Cute Trio Blog—DublinPerky would LIKE to post more photos for us, but Photobucket just isn’t working for her! Does anyone have another site she can use so we can get more awesome Cali photos from her??? [/align]

[align=center]Alicia and the Zoo Crew—JadeIcing is making sure that she links all of the posts she’s making in the forums into her blog for future reference. She’s made several good posts over the past few days. Make sure you check them all out![/align]

[align=center]Becca’s Beautiful Bunnies Business—Becca has made updates about all of her rabbits and has many questions that people can answer![/align]

[align=center]Annabel: Life as a Diva—MissBinky is promising us even more adorable Annabel photos and information! Please go insist on seeing that sweet floppy-eared bunny in pictures![/align]

[align=center]These blogs have NEW PHOTOS!!![/align]

[align=center]Flynn, the little red bunny—Flynn has a gorgeous new cage that his birthday slave built for him! It is so lavish and colorful, you really must come see the photos![/align]

[align=center]Three New Additions—Illusion has posted some big beautiful bunny photos of Luca and Jakey! These rabbits will steal your hearts…and your hay! Come see! Come see![/align]

[align=center]“Peg’s Place”—the Adventures and Misadventures of all the buns here—Peg has given us the treat of seeing Gracie’s babies, relaxing about their pen! She even included a photo for us to compare with how little they were when they were first born![/align]

[align=center]Shadow and Jester—Stan (Pet_Bunny) is sharing some last photos of Jan’s (LuvaBun) rabbits while he is pet-sitting for her. Come see binkies and bonding galore!!![/align]

[align=center]Blog for the Bun-Buns!—kherrmann3 has Toby AND Berry Boo photos for us to coo over! There are bunny lips and bunny loafs and bunnies getting into mischief, too! [/align]



[align=center]Please don’t forget to enter the Photo Philes Contest: Hoppy Holidays! This is a chance for you to have your rabbit featured as the logo at the top of Rabbits Online for an entire week in December! Don’t miss this opportunity to have your rabbit be a star for the week! See this thread for more details and let’s get festive![/align]



[align=center]Brandy456 is cooking up a storm. Steak discussion in this thread![/align]


[align=center]England to America fairy tale translations. We’ve hashed out Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but what else might be different between the two countries? Let’s chat about it, shall we?[/align]


[align=center]Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears has some freaky photos for us of a polar bear. Don’t get scared, now![/align]


[align=center]Have you ever seen a Springhaas? One look and you may be HOOKED!!![/align]


[align=center]SnowyShiloh wants everyone’s input on what to name her new cockatiel. Look at the gorgeous coloring and then cast your vote in her online poll![/align]


[align=center]JadeIcing is going to be dancing her cares away, but may be taking some breaks from the forum to relax now and then. Read more about it here.[/align]


[align=center]swanlake is sharing lots of wonderful photos of her trip to Japan. Come gaze at the sights![/align]


[align=center]A really interesting discussion was sparked by JadeIcing about National Anthems being sung in other languages. Join in and discuss it here![/align]


[align=center]MissBinky has adopted some trash…er….kittens ;) They were left in a trash bin!!! They are too cute. You must go see these photos. Anyone in the Montreal, Quebec area want a kitten?[/align]


[align=center]Do you have your Christmas Cards, yet? Peg made a great find at the feed store! Go look at these gorgeous designs![/align]

WOW i had to restart my comp cuz i opened 30+ pages!... actually its wasnt bcuz i opened to much i dont think but what ever:p bottom line that was the best ever! for now... hhaha cant wait 4 tmrw's

Minda you are the best at doing the news :) It's so throurgh (sp?) and great to read!!

- I didn't know where to post this but who did it yesterday and the day before because I can't seem to find it :?

WOW! Just had to say that this must have taken so long, you've done an amazing job :shock:! This is the first one of these things I've looked at in ages. I'm so impressed!

Becca wrote:
Minda you are the best at doing the news :) It's so throurgh (sp?) and great to read!!

- I didn't know where to post this but who did it yesterday and the day before because I can't seem to find it :?


There wasn't an RO Today for Thursday or Friday, which is why this one was a tad long today. I went back and looked at everything for those days, as well. :D

Thank you, everyone! I enjoy doing it!!!!

Elf Mommy wrote:
Becca wrote:
Minda you are the best at doing the news :) It's so throurgh (sp?) and great to read!!

- I didn't know where to post this but who did it yesterday and the day before because I can't seem to find it :?


There wasn't an RO Today for Thursday or Friday, which is why this one was a tad long today. I went back and looked at everything for those days, as well. :D

Thank you, everyone! I enjoy doing it!!!!

Ahh well done :D:D
Becca :carrot
Thank you for mentioning me and my babies! :biggrin2:

Also, thank you for spelling my last name right (Herrmann). Most people lose an "R" or "N" somewhere :p

Woohoo, German spelling!

Great update page, by the way!

Thanks for mentioning me.
[align=center]Thank you for making mea feature on RO Today.[/align]

[align=center]It is you who are making our message board a hoppin' fun place to be![/align]


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