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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
[align=center]TODAY ON RO!

Saturday, 16th August

Elf Mommy is having some problems with her internet connection...
comp03.gif you'll have to make do with me today I'm afraid!


Happy Birthday to...

:bunnydance:GoinBackToCali's buns Reveille and Cadence who celebrate their 1st birthday AND gotcha day today! :bunnydance:

Also, to our members:






Hope you have a great day guys!


First of all, kudos and big bunny hugs to all our amazing members taking part in the bunny rescue run from Chicago Ridge to Leaf in Missouri today. Good luck and a very safe journey to you all, with your precious cargo!

[/align][align=center] jcl_24 would like some help in choosing a bunny friend for Ebony, do you have any advice to give?[/align][align=center]
[/align][align=center]Bon will be adding 2 new members to the bunny family! :apollo:[/align][align=center]
[/align][align=center]Do you know a REAL man, that loves bunnies? Go post your pictures HERE! :biggrin2:
[/align][align=center]Do you have any advice for Usagi_Chan, who is trying to train overly anxious bunnies? :shock:[/align][align=center]
[/align][align=center]Haley wants you to watch this video, but you may need some tissues handy! :tears2:
[/align][align=center]LadyBug is looking for some animal heroes. Can you help?[/align][align=center]
[/align][align=center]Have you checked out the Blogs section lately? Go make somebunny and their slave's day, and post some comments on the beautiful bunny pictures![/align][align=center]
[/align][align=center]:weee:MYSTERY BUNNY!:weee:[/align][align=center]Who is this bunny-nappable cutie?

Yay! Thanks for mentioning mah birthday. ^^ Most of my friends are coming over and we'll make smore's and stuff. It's going to be fun. They're comming over 1pm, EST. =3

Also, the mystery Bunny- What a cutie. Could it be Skyler? I recognise that lil' smuge of black by his nose. ^^

~ Xila
Xila wrote:
Yay! Thanks for mentioning mah birthday. ^^ Most of my friends are coming over and we'll make smore's and stuff. It's going to be fun. They're comming over 1pm, EST. =3

Also, the mystery Bunny- What a cutie. Could it be Skyler? I recognise that lil' smuge of black by his nose. ^^

~ Xila
That is him alright. God I love that guy!
No problem Xila, I hope you're having a good day! Did you get all the bunny toys etc you'd asked for?

Also, yes you are both correct, that's little Skyler! I know it wasn't a difficult one, I just saw it in his and Rory's new blog and couldn't resist! :p
Transport went smoothly!

11 bunnies arrived safe and sound. I put one pair together and think they will work out nicely (black lionhead mix and the blind english spot/hotot? mix).

My flemish Aiden loves the New Zealand girl and as they are both fixed I've decided to let them meet and greet (supervised). I don't think that'll be a probles, as they immediatly started grooming each other. Aiden took advantage of the beautiful white girl though and let her do most of the "work".

Everyone is safe, clean fed and watered for the night. Today was a huge success!
Leaf wrote:
Transport went smoothly!

11 bunnies arrived safe and sound. I put one pair together and think they will work out nicely (black lionhead mix and the blind english spot/hotot? mix).

My flemish Aiden loves the New Zealand girl and as they are both fixed I've decided to let them meet and greet (supervised). I don't think that'll be a probles, as they immediatly started grooming each other. Aiden took advantage of the beautiful white girl though and let her do most of the "work".

Everyone is safe, clean fed and watered for the night. Today was a huge success!
YAY! I'm so happy to hear that! I've been following the thread for at least a week now, and it bought tears to my eye to know that the members here can be so kind and helpful.... And Leaf, you are amazing for taking them all in! :hugsquish:
Becca- Smores are delicious!! You start with a graham cracker, then put a piece of Hershey's chocolate bar on top of the cracker, followed with a marshmellow, then top with another cracker, it makes kind of a sandwich. If you are around a campfire you heat the marshmellow in the fire then place it in between the crackers and let the heat melt the chocolate...YUM

:yeahthat: Sounds about right, yeah. Except, for lack of a campfire, we used our gas flame stove.

Yup- I got most of them. Let's see... A Cottontail cottage(With the run-Thru ramp), TWO packs of NICs/Storage cubes to enlarge his pen/run (OhMyGosh, It's huge! It even spills over into the next room!) a clicker, the stuff I ordered from came... All that fun stuff. I have to say, I think I spent more time setting up BunBun's new cage than playing the gifts for myself. :p

And I've still got a package from my Aunt (in Maine) comming! Yay!

Ah, it was great. I hope all the other birthday people had a great time, too.


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