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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA

[align=center]TODAY ON RO[/align]

[align=center]Prayers and suggestions are needed for TinysMom’s bunnies! [/align]


[align=center]Leaf has had a lot of unfortunate things going on. Missouri has been hit with torrential rains and flooding. Please send GOOD WEATHER VIBES to her! [/align]


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Bramble Briar86[/align]


[align=center]Midwest Rabbit Rescue will be getting a visit from Zootoo soon, and their local news might be checking it out![/align]


[align=center]Congratulations to Flashy who recognized Polly’s Delphi as yesterday’s mystery bun! [/align]


[align=center]And Who is this Gorgeous Rabbit?[/align]

^I'd forgotten about that, I was surprised to see my name there, lol.

Can I also please draw everyone's attention tothis thread, because Greta has made a beautiful tribute to the buns who were lost last year, and I think more people need to see it. But be prepared to bawl like a baby.
Does anyone have a guess as to who that sweet bunny is?

Hint: She has something in common with Joan Rivers!
What do pellets have to do with Joan Rivers? What's the connection, I don't get it! Pellette is gorgeous though, she's Erik's new buddy! I seem to be having bunny brain farts lately...
Pellette has had cosmetic surgery to fix her "double chin" LOL! Joan jokes about how many face lifts and stuff she's had. Sorry, I know that was bad..... but it was all I could think of!

The final Zootoo standings are in and Midwest finished at #6:

[align=center]Midwest is guaranteed to receive $5,000!!!![/align]
[align=left]The site visit is scheduled for April 24th and the first place $1 million dollar winner and second place $10,000 winner will be announced May 15th in Orlando, FL. Let's all wish them the best of luck.[/align]

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