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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Pheotown, IL :D, Illinois, USA
Thanks Sylvie! Snowy came home a little while ago, and apart from seeming sleepy and a bitgroggy she seems to be doing ok! She's eaten!!:D


:balloons:Happy Birthday swanlake and lovethetail!

[align=center]HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWANLAKE!!!! [/align]
[align=center]and Lovethetails![/align]

Can you imagine there are such people??? I stopped by the office this morning to see if anything was needed for their web site and one lady asked how my bunny was and another said today is a perfect day for a rabbit. Then the lady said well he don't let his bunny outside. I said "no, I don't let him outside, he's a house bunny" - at that comment, all in the office burst laughing. I mentioned the house rabbit society and that brought on an even louder roar of laughter. I guess I have some educating to do. ..Ral
Domino is very precious. I love being retired and having him close to me most all day long. I wish he liked going with me on the electric golf car more than he does (I don't think he likes it at all). He wants to just stay in his room all the time. A larger pen is in the planning stages even though his current one has the door blocked open continually. I've thought about removing it completely but I plan on giving it back to the lady I got it from as soon as I get the other pen completed. I need to set him up with a deeper potty box and I know if I placed one in his pen, he'd bite it and toss it, so I feel I need to place one under a type of grid. ..Ral

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