Today is the day....

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA get my 4 wisdom teeth removed! Luckily I get to have general anesthesia, so I feel better about that. Now I am just scared of the IV going into my arm...ugh, yuck!!

I am, however, completely terrified. I was pretty fine until I looked at the clock and it said I had to leave in 45 minutes.


I had all four of mine removed at once(against the doctors wishes because mine were hooked under the bone) and I was up and back outside the next day with my horses. while that was stupid, I could have been hit in the face I'm not the smartest person, can't keep me away from my children for long.(That and sucking on KitKat poppers didn't help either).
Just relax and everythng will go smoothly. I had just a mild sedative, which was a pill before I went in and that was enough for me, but I've got a bit of a high tolerance for pain(Broken toes and constant bone rubs in those toes have helped that along).
Coem back and tell us how it went, We're all here for you!
*hugz* we'll be here!
Been there, done'll be fine. Take your pain meds and follow the doctors instructions very strictly on how to avoid dry sockets. Take those pain meds!!
Good luck, hun! I'd be in just as bad of shape as you are going into that sort of thing. But it'll be fine! People are getting it done all the time, and they're all still with us, haha. :) *hugs*
Thanks so much, guys!!

I am feeling okay, but sore, of course. The worst part is the gauze, to be honest. It hurts when it have to put it in, probably because it is dry!

I slept most of the day. I got home at 11am and have been in bed all day. My husband is being AWESOME and took the day off of work to take care of me. He made me the best smoothie when I got home, got me my meds & ginger ale. He made me organic black bean & rice soup :D.

I am just getting on the computer now because I needed to get out of bed. I have been watching Kitchen Nightmares & Conan O'Brien on Hulu all day.

I have to take more Perkaset (sp?) in about 45 minutes....then I'm hoping I will sleep until morning!
NO popcorn for you, Princess!
NO straws in drinks either :S
(Just in case they forgot to tell ya ;) )

Glad that you've got the GOOOD drugs :) Very proud of you for facing your fears and getting it done! :D
them happy drugs, :) if you got stitches in the holes just watch out for those! my tongue had a mind of it's own and had to investigate(almost ripped one out on accident) I know for swelling I was told frozen peas and a towel and 'ice' pack yoru face, it could help with the pain as well.
Congrats, you'll be like many american's now! wisdom less! lol.
Thanks, guys! I am glad I faced my fear, too.

No straws over here. I was just telling Ryan this morning that I don't know how anyone could drink from a straw anyway....sounds like it would HURT!!

I feel like crap today. Ryan had to go back to work, just left a bit ago. I took my percoset, antibiotics, and mouthwash just a bit I will probably go back to bed soon. My poor doggie is going to have to spend a couple hours at a time in his kennel today while I he likes to potty on the floor when no one is around to take him out.

My mom's boyfriend is really getting bad right now...he has shallow/rickety breathing. Not to be selfish, I hope he can hold on until I am feeling able to hop on a plane to go back to NY.
I am trying to eat mashed potatoes with a spoon...and it is rather difficult! My jaw hurts and won't open every far :(.

It sucks because today is 4 years ago today that my husband and I started dating....and he can't even take me out to dinner! I told him that we can celebrate with a dinner and movie at home, but there is only so much food we can cook, lol.
I got all four of mine pulled at the same time. One upside was that I dropped my extra weight. Of course, I got dry sockets, so that extended my "dieting" time.
Lucky! I wish I could drop extra weight from this. I slammed down 1 bowl of mashed potatoes and I am on my second. I am really starving and it is only 11:45....dinner isn't until at least 6pm, so I am getting my fill now, LOL.
When I had my bottom two done (still need to do the top eventually), I found that my jaw was really stiff and hurt to open my mouth very far. But as soon as I had my stitches removed (they where supposed to dissolve, but I had to have mine removed), I could open my mouth and it was just like normal.

Do you have dissolvable stitches? It bet after a couple of days when they start dissolving, you will be able to open your mouth a lot more.

--Dawn mouth hurts soooo bad. I don't know if I am over doing it with talking and/or eating? Since I am in NY with family....I am talking a lot. I also really haven't rested since the day of my surgery. People have cooked my mom all of this awesome food and I have been eating it (even if it takes me an hour to get it down) not so much liquid foods!

My percoset isn't really working...or is taking longer to kick in. I have been taking it a bit more then I was before because it hurts so bad...almost like I have lock jaw. It is really just my jaw that hurts, not the holes in my mouth.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning due to not being able to sleep. I normally sleep on my stomach with my face smashed into my pillow. I have been trying to not sleep like that, but I always end up like that when I wake up.

Ughhhh....I am miserable!
Aww Amy!! *hugs*

That royally, ROYALLY sucks... I wish I'd gone through it so I could offer you some words of advice or something. :( It has to be hard to rest and do the proper follow up care when you are away from home right now and being where you are. I just hope it starts to feel better and your jaw quits being mean to you.
Thank you, Cait :hug:.

I ate an ice cream sundae from my faaaavorite ice cream place last night. I asked for NO NUTS (!!!!) and she gave me I said "whatever" and decided it would be fine. WRONG.....there is a piece of nut stuck in my right hole. I have tried to get it out with salt water swishing, disenfecting tweezers and trying to fish it out (didn't know what else to do!!)...nothing. It is irritating ME, but I don't think its really bothering the hole. I can see the stupid thing when I pull my check out to the side. ARRRG....stupid thing.

I have to go to the viewing tonight for 4 it better get out before then and I hope I am feeling okay tonight. I'm just going to drug myself up.

I feel like a flippin drug addict surviving off of percoset. Since the percoset wasn't working mom gave me something stronger that she had and it didn't do anything!

I am dreading getting back on an airplane on Thursday morning. My follow up appt was supposed to be Wednesday of this week, but we had to push it until next Wednesday, ugh. more "hard" foods for me. Back to soup (when there is yummy pizza in the fridge) :grumpy:. AH HA....I'm having soup and grilled cheese. Grilled cheese is kinda soft and soggy, right ;)?

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