Toby Blog!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
Well, I decided to finally get a little blog going for Toby. Nothing too new in his life, except that he went to the vet for the first time yesterday (minus when he went to get fixed). Overall, things went better than expected. There was no loss of blood, fingers, or life among the staff members. Toby sat there like a perfect little bun-angel and made me think "who is this and what have you done with my rabbit?" Toby also got a new ramp made for his cage. Now he has a carpeted plywood ramp that goes up to his cage so he can come and go as he pleases. Other than that, life's been pretty good to little Toby! :)

Adorable photo! Trying to mind read... is he saying, "are you close enuff to kiss me noser?"

BoBBunny and myheart, bassetluv or naturestee, waitin' for your perspective on that pose?!?

Hey Hey Tobias, glad your mom started your bunspace on RO!
Let's see here. I only have access to photos that I have sent people in the past. Here are some that I dug up. (Note: I am using my roommate's computer, so I don't have all my photos on here...) My computer AND camera are in getting fixed at Best Buy. Once they are back, though, I should have more cuteness coming this way!

Note: These are holiday messages/comments I made for MySpace. I normally don't dress him up lol

He has the look of "Merry Freakin' Christmas" on his face. I will be going to my mom's this afternoon, and I can get pictures off my phone onto the computer over there. Maybe I'll be able to get some good pics. :biggrin2:
I finally was able to get over to my mum's house to put some more pictures up! Sadly, I picked up my computer from Best Buy because it was "fixed" and it has a virus that is in Windows, so I can't even run the stupid thing in safe mode.:grumpy: Grr... Anyways, here's some fluffy, grey (and naughty) cuteness!

"Who, me?"

Washer Bunny!

Little Toby-Tongue

Haha! I just had to add this one in here! When we had Toby in his Santa-suit for the pictures, he couldn't really move. So, I decided to use this as an opportunity to trim his nails. He had this look, and I couldn't help but take the picture and laugh at him. I'm such a good bunny-mom lol

Baby Toby! He was about 6-8 weeks in this picture!

Finally I have found Toby's blog....! What a lil' cutie!!! OMG I love the Santa suit pictures!!!:pHe looks so mad!!! Did you get the butt after doing that to him? If I were him, I would given you the butt, the cold shoulder, anda few foot-flicks just to tell you how mad I was. (LOL)

I will have to keep tabs on Toby's blog to watch for more pictures. That little splash of white across his mouth is irresistible. Just enough to want to give him a big smooch!!!:D

Wow! I thought Toby's nose was cute, but that splash of white on his chest is just too cool.

I hope your computer gets fixed soon. We need more pictures! Especially with your incoming foster bun!
I have found out that Toby has a pretty good sense of humor. My boyfriend, Will, has been having problems with Toby "marking" and leaving pellets behind all over Will's stuff. It's all over his side of the room, even! Here's what prompted this post, though. I walked into our bedroom after leaving Toby unattended for about a half an hour or so (I kind of "forgot" that he was out... He doesn't need supervision in our bedroom because it's bun-proofed, but yeah... slipped my mind). When I walked in, Toby was spread out on Will's side of the bed and had his big, lavender-ish eyes looking at me (they're like a brown/grey but look like they have a little lavender in them, at least to me... :p). I giggled just at that, but when I looked at the pillows, I noticed one, small, lonely pellet on Will's pillow. It was left there like some nasty hotel chocolate/mint. There were NO other pellets on the bed. What makes it funnier to me, is, the fact that the pillow that Toby left his "gift" on is one of those dream-foam pillows, and it doesn't have an indent in it. Toby got the pellet to stay on the top of the rounded pillow! I don't know if it's just me, but I thought that was one of the funniest things that he's done in awhile...