To soon??

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Northern, California, USA
OK, so most of you know, I think,I lostmy bunny Sprinkles about 2 weeks ago....I know I cant replace her and Iwill always love her..But I am feeling a "bunny void" if you know whatI mean. So I have been looking around to see where I can findbunny right for me. I email HRS here but they havent emailed meback...So in the mean time I went to the pet store to look at thebunnies. Well ther is this lil black and white spotted rex ther thatwas brought back because the owners didnt want to take care of heranymore, I guess the kids wernt cleaning her cage and such...:X

Anyway when you go to scratch her she instantly puts her head down andgoes into the bunny trance while you pet her and she cant get enough.She seems really sweet. I mean if sprinkles was still here I would gether as a friend...shes about 4 months i believe....But I dont want torush getting a new bunny, I want to get the "right" bunny. I am afraidI like her cause she is kind of like sprinkles...a rex with spots...Iam goingt o have my BF come look at her and tell me what he thinks....Idont know what do you guys think??? To soon? Should i wait till i hearback from the HRS?? I think they are reorganizating so i might not hearback for awhile.....


i got Cinnamen too soon, and that was 3 monthsago when i got cinnamen (she passed away 6 months ago now) and i wasfeeling that as well that i just went out and got the first rabbit isaw! but it really depends on the person.. like i'm not ready to getanother rabbit! i still cry over Missey and Tweety! (tweety was mybird) and i cant even look at my other bird without picturing themtogether cuddling... and i get upset with that.. its very hard to loosea dear pet, so sorry bout sprinkles..

but if you feel its too soon then its too soon.. listen to what your body is saying
i wouldnt see it as a replacement, i'd see it as an addition so i would go for it
I'd really watch buying from a petstore. Youdon't know the bunnies history or where it came from. And once thestore sells it, they'll just replace it with more bunnies anyhow. Ifyou don't buy from there, your best bet would be a local rescue, or alocal reputable breeder. If you want to adopt go to pet finder, and seeif you can google any rabbit rescues or shelters in your area. Thereare alot of adoptable bunnies on petfinder. And you can get a healthgaranteed rabbit from a breeder.
**And you can get a health garanteed rabbit from a breeder. **

Any reputable Pet store ALSO ! Gives healthguarentees , I know they do here , evenon Mice and rats being used for feeders ,Ironic but true , Not all Breederseven with heath guarentees are all that reputable, same with rescues and ASPCA's, remember all the above are mostlyin it for what little money they can getout of it . Granted some and most run inthe red but there are many outthere making some sort of profit ,
I think you need to follow your heart. Itis different for everyone. If you truly feel and believe this rabbit isfor you then do it. My Athena passed away almost a year ago andIam just now ready to get another bunny. I had to follow myheart and you should follow yours. Good Luck no matter what youdecide.

After my guinea pig died (of only having him twoweeks..I got him from Petco, he had pneumonia)...I went to a privatelyowned pet store to buy another one..but then I spotted the rabbits andfell in love...thus, I ended up with Cosmo! The love of mylife! never know what can happen..I say, GO FORIT! But one thing I learned from my guinea pig, is that Itook Cosmo into the vet the first day I got him, treated him forcoccidia, and now he's perfectly healthy! I've learned frommy mistakes and now have given a better future to anothercreature!

Good luck!

As responsive as that rabbit was to you I wouldhave melted and gone for it... but I'm a really soft touch.:)When my penelope died I was devastated and felt that she wasirreplaceable but I have since took in 2 more bunnies that are just asspecial in totally different ways and I love them dearly.
I know just what you're going through ... havinglost my little boy on 17th March this year. The pain oflosing him intially was just too much, I really didn't think I could gothrough that loss again ... but ...............(ah, there's always a "but" isn't there!?)

.... I realised I had the "bunny void" too ... and I really craved thecomfort of cuddling a bunny and watching it atplay.

I'm now less than 2 weeks away from collecting BENJi (a little agoutiNetherland Dwarf) and because I've had to wait I've managed to workthrough the grief of losing Felix, and the guilt I felt initially aboutwanting another rabbit. NOT to replace him, we all know youcant do that, as each bunny is an individual, but mainly because Felixgave me so much happiness that I miss having a little chum like himaround!

However ... If I'd not already chosen BENJi, then I think I would havegone with my heart and chosen a bunny that "connected" with me had Iseen one that was for sale elsewhere.

Thanks guys. Well while I like the lil bunny, I'mnot ready. I went to do laundry and Sprinkles had a towel I had givenher in thecage stilland I thought about washing itwith the other towels but I couldnt...I still havent touched her cagesince she passed. I guess cleaning up her stuff seems just wrongsomehow still.:(And to get new bunny I would haveto clean all her stuff up and disinfect it just incase, since im notreally sure what made her so sick. I figure if im not ready to wash hertowel im not ready for a new bunny.:(
honeybunnie8 wrote:
Thanks guys. Well while I like the lil bunny, I'm not ready.I went to do laundry and Sprinkles had a towel I had given her inthecage stilland I thought about washing it withthe other towels but I couldnt...I still havent touched her cage sinceshe passed. I guess cleaning up her stuff seems just wrong somehowstill.:(And to get new bunny I would have to cleanall her stuff up and disinfect it just incase, since im not really surewhat made her so sick. I figure if im not ready to wash her towel imnot ready for a new bunny.:(

:(Awwwww, Honey. I am so sorry. You poorthing. I think I know exactly what you mean. Samesituation with our kitty we had. Soon you will be ready andyour will find a great bunny buddy. Much love, Kricket
I think you made the right decision for you, andthat's what's most important. Sometimes, we just need a signto tell us if we are ready or not. When my husky died, ittook me just over a year to find another dog, Zoe, butwhenshe was hit by a car last spring, Harley,mylab/rottie, came into my life just a few weeks later. I knewas soon as I saw him that he was meant to be mine. Harleydidn't replace Zoe, he just added to my life.

You will know when the time is right for you. I don't know how, but you just know.


Incidentally, I saw mention of pet stores and health guarantees, it isthe law that health guarantees (and in some states care instructions)be given on dogs and cats, but there is no law governing otheranimals. I think there should be, but at this time, thereisn't. It is up to the store's discretion, although, I'venever worked at/been in any store that didn't offer one.

I'm proud of you for identifying your feelings so well and doing whatis best for you! You'll know when you're ready...until then,I wish you the best of luck and I hope the days get easier for you asthey go by.

You will know when you are ready. When I lostmyholland Cadbury, i wasent sure if i wanted another holland.But then at a show i was looking at a holland and the Breeder said "youcan pick him up if you want too" (she new how to sell a rabbit)andI did I knew i was reday and had to take thelittle guy home with me.

It is diffrent for every one though. Our dog got hit on the road on aMonday and we imeditly started looking for anohter dog and had a newpuppy on saterday of the same week. My dad, Mom and I need a new dog tolove inorrder to help us heal. My sister though felt like we were justtring to replace our dog.

Ive taken quite a few sick rabbits from petstoresaround herethat cliam to be reputable. Alot get theiranimalsalot get their pets from mill types that breed theanimals so that they can try and make a profit from them. They areselling animals to get your dollar no matter how reputable they are.With rescues they put money into the animal for vet bills, spays andneuters, cage space. And the adoption fee doesn't even begin to coverthose expenses. Same with breeders. For what I would start my babies atdoesn't cover feed expenses, show fees,and caging.
Maybe cleaning her cage might help you feel alittle better. Ive had to do that with my pet birds when Ive lost oneafter having it for so many years. I feel bad, but after the cage istaken care, I feel somewhat better. It might help give you some closureabout loosing your bunny.
actually.. some pet stores are really great..most of them offer returns for 30 days, some offer 90 days. you canjudge how well the pet store takes care of the rabbits by how clean itis, how clean the cage is, the amount of food and water in the cage,how clean the bowl and bottle are, and how they handle the rabbit.
Ken thats notnecessarily true , i run arescue here , there are days w hen so much is goingon i cant even think aboutcleaning cages , so not alwaysdoes a clean cage make a adifference, i am on call 24/7 forthese animals my husbandworks full time I am the only onehere who cleans tendsand babies these animals, when a rescue , pet store ,breeder gets overwhelmed there isnt timefor everything , everyone knowsthis and some allowences haveto be made for the crazieness .If a pet store , rescue etc , have morethan 2 employees then maybe ican go along with what yousaid but some are notafforded that luxury , as for making money onadoptions , ya right where isay , i spend a great deal more onfood, vets , medicine , andlittle emergencies than any adoptionfee could ever cover , if i was to factorin all each rabbit would beadopted out at $ 200.00 apiece Payingsomeone to come in and take upthe slack is just not an optionat this point .
It was years after losing Nicholas andOliver before I was finally ready to have a rabbit again. Everybody isdifferent, do what is right for you in your own time.


gypsie, i can understand how it is in a shelter,i think a shelter is actually the best place to purchase a rabbitbecause i'm sure they're receiving the most care there compared to anypet shop.

however, if we're talking about pet shops, i would say go to a morecommercialized shop like pet co. where they can afford to have a nicenumber of staff members doing clean ups and feedings. i've stopped byvarious pet stores just to look at pet co. by me seems to be the best,many small shops which have only 2 workers, i would never buy frombecause i'm sure they're most likely not caring for their animals.

there's one pet shop a few blocks from me that has 2 employees and 1 isalways at the register doing nothing while the other is just staring atthe fish and waiting for someone to ask for help.

at a big shop like pet co., i always see that the workers are tendingto the animals, grooming the animals, and even taking them out to letthem play around a little bit.