To people who live in Texas

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Jan 9, 2006
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Anybody leaves their rabbits outside in summer?
If yes how do you keep your rabbits cool?
Yes we are keeping the bunnies :)
We built a little playground outside , and they love it ...
Right now its not hot but it will get up to 101F in Summer
And ive heard that people actually keep rabbits outside all year round and i was just wondering how's it possible
I dont really want to take a risk and keep them outside when it going to get hot
Sorry I can't be of much help. I keepmy lil guys indoors and I plan on keeping the temperature in myapartment around 75.

If it is one thing I am willing to pay through the nose for it's comfortable temperatures and whatever my buns want
Just Jack
I live in el paso too
I've just heard it gets really hot in summer
But ive also heard that some people here keep bunnies outside , so ithought maybe they do something crazy like put air conditioner in thehutch or smth:D
It does get really hot around here, easily intothe 100s during some parts of the summer. Have you just movedto El Paso? I'm not a native El Pasoan myself and had to getused to the really hot dry temperatures here.

I don't know if anybody in our area would keep their buns outside.Somedays it is even dangerous for people to stay outside too longaround here.

I wouldn't know if it is possible or would be advisable to have rabbitsoutside in our climate. As RO STAFF 2 posted the informationsays that these guys shouldn't be kept in temperatures above80. To keep their area outside down to that temperatureduring the summer would be quite an undertaking.
Well - as a fellow Texan - where it hit 104.5 here today....let me say...

I don't recommend keeping your rabbits outside during the summer hereIF you can avoid it. Why risk their lives?

I do know of one breeder who did it - she had netting over their areawith some sort of hose intertwined and she would run the sprinkler orhose or whatever in the afternoons to keep them cool - I think she alsohad some sort of a fan.

I was freaking today because it was hitting 95 in the garage where mybucks are. (Yes - I know about temps over 85 making bucks gosterile). I had the fan going and they had frozen waterbottles to sleep with - and of course LOTS of water. But Istill freaked to the point that Art put a baby gate up for the garagedoor so the air conditioning from the house could go through tothere. He had one fan drawing air upward and out the atticand then another fan drawing the air from the house to the garage...ittook about 30 minutes to drop the temp from 95 to 91 with opening thedoor....

Anyway - I guess my point is...if you don't have to - why put youranimal at risk. In these Texas summers - I personally thinkindoors is the best place for a gets too hot too fast.

BTW - Tiny loves to go outside during the day and he has been outsidebefore when it hit 90 degeres...but he has dug a hole in the groundwhere he lays and he has water all the time, etc. He hasshade he can go to....but even still - we've laid the law down to himnow that he's only a nighttime outdoor bunny until late September orOctober!

BACI wrote:
what about the babies? will they have a chance of survival in the heat?
Oh my....are we talking about babies in this heat? I surehope not....Tiny pitched a fit about not going outside yesterday and hehas several areas of shade and a tunnel he can go in and watersupply....but I still won't let him out during the day now (he can goout after about 7 pm if it starts cooling down).

Whereever you have them - they MUST have shade - and they really needto have some sort of a breeze too. Some days here it is sohot and it feels like the air is sooo still.

Make sure you keep water bottles frozen and they go out EVERY DAY - Iput mine out about 11 am as we start to get into the worst of the heatof the day. (One little guy chewed a hole in his bottletoday).

Also - make sure the water is FRESH FRESH FRESH.....I can't stress thatenough. Don't let it get rabbits can have ahalf-full bottle of water and when I dump it out and refill it - you'dthink I'd given them gold or something....they just go crazy.

Ok...enough..I'll get off my soapbox here. But I would NOTput rabbits - especially baby rabbits - in the heat we've beenhaving. They can dehydrate way too easily.


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