To good for her hay?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2004
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Right here..."pointing finger to pa, Minnesota, US
Fergi has not eaten her timothy hay in a longtime. She will notprairie grass or orchard. The only kind shewill think of eating is alfalfa and I am under the impression that dueto it's high calcium and protein content that it is not an ideal hayfor an older bun. So I am wondering if I can give her alfalfa or if shewill be fine with just her pellets. She seems to still be pooping outthe "strands" of poo with the hair evident in it. I think I read on apost somewhere Carolyn mentioning that if Tucker runs out of hay shedocent rush to fill it after learning that their pellets have enoughfiber to keep things going. hay, some hay, different hay? Anyhelp would certainly be appreciated.

Fergi's mom
Depends! On the kind of pellets thatare fed. Some "authorities" claim hay is unnecessary if thepellets have the right kind of fiber in them. Unfortunately,I cannot tell you which pellets those might be. Perhaps,someone else may.

Feeding alfalfa may not be all that bad, as it does depend somewhatupon the bun as well. Before I "knew any better," I fedalfalfa hay routinely and never did notice any particularproblems. Most experienced people, though, recommend timothyhay for the very reasons I am sure you are familiar with.

One might approach this problem with the view that, "some hay is betterthan no hay," even if alfalfa. Maybe, you could feedrelatively less of the alfalfa and then watch for any change in thestool, like softening, or too many uneaten cecotropes, as a precursorto potential trouble. It may function as an alternativemethod of "scrubbing" out the intestinal system.

Other items, such as canned pumpkin, can be very efficacious, asCarolyn's bout with Tucker's GI Stasis will bear witness to_Other recommendations include fresh pineapple, fresh papaya, driedpineapple and papaya, papaya enzymes pills, and a liquidy paste madeofwater and meat tenderizer, then syringed into the rabbit.

It is a thorny problem that you face. You want to do right byyour rabbit, but she is refusing to cooperate for they do not know whatis good for them much of the time. Good luck in finding asolution. If you do, please post back so we all can learnabout dealing with a similar situation, should it ever arise.


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