To drink? Or not to drink... confusing question?

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Jul 27, 2005
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This is a weird subject becuase, likeeverything, everyone has different opinions! I'd like to hear whatothers think on the subject of water bottles, or water dishes.

Water bottles Pro's-are space savvy, keep clean, easy to get at, easy to mantain the rabbits fluid intake if it's measured.

Water bottle Con's- Have to changeATLEASTonce ayear (sometimes) unless keept VERY clean but still it's good to change,can sometimes be hard to clean, some rabbits don't like it

Water dish Pro's- Easy to get at, easy to clean, if your rabbit cagehas verticle bars then is great, takes less time to get water

Water dish Con's- Can get junk in it, can get tipped over unless heavy, can get stepped in then you end up with a wet rabbit

I really don't know one of my rabbtis has a bottle, and one has a bowland they are both fine. Just curious of what everyone else thinks ;)
OOPS! I guess i shoulda looked before i posted tehehe lol anyways. ^_^
Funny I should read this as I am having a battlewith Gracies water bottle. You look at it sideways and itfalls off the cage... sheesh!


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