Dear Loki,
This is The BunFather. Mom has been really busy lately - but I've keptmy ears up and heard her talking about all the things she needed to do.I remembered that one thing she kept talking about was, "get photos ofLily".
You know how it is with humans...sometimes you just have to nag them a bit?
Well, I got mama to take photos of Lily AND her mother Ohana. I don'tknow what it is about seems important to them to know allthe things about a rabbit - including who their parents are, etc.
So Mama obliged and took photos and videos of Ohana too.
I haven't yet been able to figure out how to upload the videos - Ithink I need to use some special buttons and it takes a bit longer - soI'm going to go do that but leave you these pictures to look at.
Lily is really pretty. I think you'll like her. She's pretty shy and Ihonestly think it would've been nice to have her for my harem as she'svery even tempered (unlike Miss Bea).
But I also know that I can't keep all the nice girls and I have to letthem have homes of their own. So I let mom find them homes and don'tcomplain too much.
Lily does have a lot of fur right now but I have noticed that some ofthe really fuzzy girls become the prettiest ones once their hair shedsout a bit. She might want some extra grooming from you andfrom your mama for a bit.
The BunFather
(off to figure out how to upload the video too...)