Hi, its Ryan here, Yes i do build websites but ifits information youre after then we could be here for a long time lol,if youre okay with doing youre own then i suggest you use a freeweb-host that also has its own web page builder, like
www.geocities.com(theyare probably the best for beginners, with tutorials and a very easy touse pagebuilder)etc, just do a google search for free webhosting and you will get back over 5million results, just browsethrough a couple to find the one youre after, some are better thanothers, i personally use
www.Fateback.com for my freehosting, they have excllent service, more than enough space to host asite, and best of all, they are free.
One draw back with most free hosters however is that you end up with asubdomain, i.e. instead of
www.yourename.com you end up with
www.theirname.com/yournameor something like that. but these days domain names are very cheap,a.co.uk domain can be bought for £1.99
However if you want i could do all the leg work for you, i could buildyour site and host it on a free host with just a small fee for mytime. all i would need is content for the site to get itgoing and then iwould send over all the detailstoyou so that you could administer it your self.
Let meknow what you think