Well-Known Member
I started a bit of a heated debate the other dayas to why people clip long haired buns? I understand the reasonsbut what made me cross was that the people who clip do this becausethey say grooming is stressful for buns, and that any long haired bunthat was not clipped was a un-happy bun. My bun is not clipped and heshappy and he loves to be groomed what do you all think. I even had aangora rescue on to me to clip Shawn, I don't want to clip him, his furis in very good condition and grooming him also helps me to give him ahealth check. They told me that if I didn't clip him he wouldget wool block, and he will get droppings and hay stuck in his fur andhis bum will be all messy!! what a load of rubbish this wonthappen because I keep him very clean. The angora rescuehasn't even met Shawn!! It seamed that some people [notall ]clipped there buns because they couldn't be bothered to groom.