timothy pellet feeding

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
, Alberta, Canada

I was just wondering if feeding a timothy based pellet would requirefeeding more since it is not as rich as alfalfa. My rabbit iseating a timothy based type and he gets about 1/3 of a cup a day but heis always hungry!! I open his cage and he comes out but assoon as I walk near his cage he runs over and hops in and sits next tohis bowl wanting food even if it is not even close to feedingtime. Should I maybe mix it with an alfalfa pellet or justgive him more?

Thanks so much!

Our two bunnies share 1/2 cup Timothy basedpellets each morning. We were told to stay away from alfalfa. They geta handful of greens at night. We keep their hay trough full.
My rabbits all get 1/4 cup of timothy pellets aday, but they also get a lot of veggies and tons of hay. Plusrabbits are very good at begging for food and convincing you that theyare "starving."

How old is your bunny (minimum six months to be feeding timothypellets), and how big is he? Bigger rabbits like New Zealandsdo need more food than my little dwarfs. Does he eat much ofhis hay or ignore it?
naturestee wrote:
How old is your bunny (minimum six months to be feeding timothypellets), and how big is he? Bigger rabbits like New Zealandsdo need more food than my little dwarfs. Does he eat much ofhis hay or ignore it?

i run into the same problem with maomaochiu too. he would runback to his cage everytime i get close there, thinking that i mighthave food for him.

he is about 6months, and he weighs about 5lbs. i don;t knowwhat breed he is and what the potential he's got as far as sizegoes. but he does not seem to eat his hay very often at all,and even with the new timonthy-based pellets (he was getting alfafabased before), he does not seem to be very much impressed withit. he will chew a few at a time, and then just leave thenthere. he does finish 1/2 cup daily though.

i don't want him to be overweight, but i definitely don't want to starve him either...
Im really not sure how much he weigh but he is anormal size mini rex and he is about 9 months old. He is notskinny at all, I think he is just a good begger.

As for veggies and hay, he eats quite a bit of hay and I give him about3/4 cup of veggies before bed. Is that enough??

thanks again everyone!
