My best friend/ex roommate has a bunny, and when he moved to a tiny apartment with no pets allowed I excitedly took his rabbit home and I love him with all my heart. My problem is, now that I'm back living with my parents and Cas lives in my tiny bedroom with me, I've come to realize I'm very allergic to Timothy Hay. I've tried allergy pills and everything, the only one that worked had sudafed in it and taking that at night led to me not sleeping. Cas is about 3, so he's always had timothy hay until recently when I tried exploring other options. I started with botanical hay because it was super cheap and I figured if he didn't like it then it wasn't a major loss. He didn't eat any of it. In hindsight cheap does not equal healthy, but I've become much more "motherly" since then:hearts: Then I bought a bag of timothy, hoping maybe it wasn't the hay, but then I couldn't breathe and my eyes were swollen and that was removed from my room very quickly. I recently purchased Orchard, I think, and he doesn't seem to be eating that either. I buy him Alfalfa cubes and he loves chewing on those (and everything else!) I know alfalfa isn't the best for them' but it takes him a few days to get through one so it's not an overload of calcium.
Basically my question is does anyone have any suggestions for what to give him that he might actually like and that is healthy for him? And please no suggestions about taking him out of my room or me just sucking it up.
Basically my question is does anyone have any suggestions for what to give him that he might actually like and that is healthy for him? And please no suggestions about taking him out of my room or me just sucking it up.