Time to kid around!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Thurston County, Washington, USA
So my sister and I decided that around 3:00 we'd go and take the bunnies outside and let them exercise for a while. They were all having a blast and I trained Magic for a while as well (and he's doing sooo good on the weave poles! You can see the pictures from the bunnies time in my rabbitry blog!!) and then put him back in his pen.

I noticed that the sheep were by the pasture gate so I went over to say hello and I unlocked it and they wanted out. My acre isn't fenced, except for on three sides, and the sheep are kept at my neighbors (in front of me, one over) house. So I couldn't let them out and just walk them into my yard without their halters on, so I ran to the tack room at the other end of the property and grabbed their halters and a tub of grain.

I walked back down to the other gate so I wouldn't get mauled by the goats (I still did, though :?) and went into the gate I was at earlier. So they came after a while and so did the goats and after I got them haltered (it was fairly easy this time!) the goats started being super pushy and Grace (The female/smallest) stood up on me to get the grain and I had enough of that!! I did the last thing I could think of and chucked the grain bucket away from me as I led the sheep out of the pasture!! :biggrin2:

Luckily that worked. lol. So now, Macey, my lamb, is really sweet. I can catch her the easiest, but Lissie (my sisters lamb), not so much! I was holding her lead rope and let her go....BAD IDEA! She took off and spooked when we tried catching her. She made her way back to the property they're on and I had to run after her while my sister watched the bunnies, and I took Macey to rescue Lissie! lol. I got them back in the pasture, and snatched Lissie's lead and took them back over to my house.

So anyway, they had fun grazing and seeing the bunnies. Macey was so curious and she went right into the rabbitry and just thought it was sooo cool! Lissie of course followed...Amanda said that they would have to come another time, no visitors at this time, but nope, Macey just shoved right past to get a look! It was so cute. We had to put a board up when we got them out because they kept wanting to go in (by this time we'd put the bunnies back in their cages.)

So anyway, I thought I'd share the pictures that I took of my lambs...err, yearlings. They're both almost one year old. lol. I did takea video, but it was accidental, and it's inappropriate...I said a bad word when I figured out I had the video on instead of the regular picture option. lol. :shock:

Oh, but I do have a video from a couple weekends ago when we washed the sheep and had our niece (Katy) & nephew (Jackson) lead the lambs and jump them.

Oh, and yes, they are wearing blankets...that's to keep them warm & dry & clean!! lol.




Grazing in my yard

It was actually nice today :)

They sure know they're half-sisters! lol.

Lissie before we headed back. Grazing next to the Rabbitry.

Macey & Lissie before going back home for dinner.

And here's the video... :)

Thanks for looking, please reply!!

Those blankets don't keep them warm! they have wool and wool is warm! LOL!

They do keep them clean and dry if they are waterproofed! They are really cute lambs! Don't you love their lammie lipth?! and I love when you get to see their teeth!

Why are you teaching them to jump stuff?
Well we got the blankets to for when she show them and to keep them dry cuz they love standing out in the rain :p

Lammie lypth? What's that? lol.

Jumping helps build muscles for showing ;) They don't have a lot of muscle, so I'm told, so I have them jump to get muscle....running also helps them get muscle (some big-time sheep breeders/show-ers have tracks that they run their sheep on) and I can only run them when I have them haltered and I run them from the end of the pasture to their paddock. ;) I don't have a huge track or track dog, lol.

Lammie Lypth ...... their LIPS! they have cute lips and lick them :)

OK.... I've never heard of the jumping thing. A lot of people have chariots here that attach to their lawn tractors..... they put the lamb's front hooves on them and then walk them with the back legs.

Also pushing helps. Have you started to do that? They need to push in the show arena.

Do you have deck steps they could walk up? We have a big deck and we also walk them up and down those steps.
Oh okay lol. I kinda of figured that's what you meant my lammie lipth. lol.

Yeah, those chariot's cost a lot of money and my parents probably wouldn't let me do that! lol. Seeing as how the gas prices are so high ;)

Yeah we're still working on that with them.

The biggest steps are to my back porch, I don't know if they'd walk up them but I could try...

Do you have a small hill or even a good sized one someplace. You can get above them on the hill and push them down or at least try to and they will try to push back.
Yeah I have a few good hills, but they're overgrown (and I think infested with ants.) I will have to check tomorrow.

I wish others would reply to my threads...no one ever does except for one or two same people (that is still good, but I like reading others comments) 68 views and only one person....:(


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