I was wondering about how much time everyone spends with their bunnies each day and what it is exactly that you do with your bunnies in that time frame?
Last summer Raph was in an outdoor hutch, so he was outside in the yard with me whenever I was home....which meant probably 2-3 hours in the evenings on my work days, and around 4-5 hours per day (or more) on the weekends. He also could follow me into the house if he wanted - and he often did, once he discovered the refridgerator - as I would leave the back door open. When he was in the yard he would run all over the place and follow me about. I didn't really play with him a whole lot; he'd just 'do his own thing' and I'd do mine. (Though we did wind up inventing a game of 'chase the bunny out of mom's vegetable garden', once he realized there was a smorgasbord of food just waiting to be eaten in there.)
Now through the winter he's been living in the house, so again I spend time with him in the evenings and weekends. Mind you, often I am on the computer or watching tv or doing something in the house, but Raph tends to follow me into whatever room I'm in. When I play with him I will flip his ears up and he seems to take that as a cue to play; he'll begin running all over the place, tossing his head and doing little mini-leaps. He'll also hop up on the sofa and sit with me - though usually he doesn't tend to stay there for too long. Overall I interact with Raph much the same way I do with my dog...some play time if he feels like it, a lot of just hangin' out in the same space, and at least three or four periods of rest and cuddle time each evening.
Iszy is pretty aloof. She likes to be by herself. But we see her every day when we get home. She is upstairs by our bedroom, so we're always going in and out of her room.We force love on her every day, but quality time is not a lot. She would rather just be watched and given treats. Jason and I both feel bad that we can't bond with her more, but that's her personality and we have to accept that she's not the most affectionate bunny. We love her very much.
Pristine is an affection HOG. She is in our face almost all the time when we get home from work. She loves to jump on the couch and cuddle with us. We spend a lot of time with her because she lets us. This makes me feel even worse about Iszy. Even though it's something that I can't change, I still can't help but feel like Iszy is neglected. We try. We really do. She just won't let us near her.
No, they're not. I wish they couldbe. But Iszy's personality is too strong. Iszy also has a respiratory condition that I don't want to risk exacerbating. That's why I haven't really tried.
Im starting to think Beans and Rice are never going to bond either. :tears2:
The reason i started this thread is becausethe past couple of days Beans is giving me the impression that she is a little angry with me. And i was thinking maybe its because she feels im not giving her enough attention and I wanted to know how much time other people devote to their bunnies, one-on-one.
But thats the thing, i think she does want the attention but is mad im not giving it to her this week and i feel bad. i usually play with them both for hours but this week i've been so busy with work and stuff that lately when i get home i just rotate who's in the cage and feed them and then pet them before i go to bed. And I think Beans is starting to feel neglected because when i go to leave her bedroom she runs over to me and bites my sock and wont let me go or shut the door.......do u think thats what she's trying to tell me or is she just being a goofy rabbit?i mean regardlessits finally friday and the week is over so i will make up for where i lacked this week but i am curious.