HELP! Both of my buns have had a tickon them in the last two days. I've found information aboutremoving ticks, butare there any successful treatments (tickdips, collars?) for rabbits? By what I understand ticks cancause all kinds of diseases like lyme disease and I've even heardrabbit fever can be a disease caused by ticks.
My bunnies are inside for the summer months, but when it isn't so darnhot in the morning, I take them to their run for some fun andexcerise. I am assumming they picked up the ticks outsidefrom the dirt...? I am SO worried. I am not againsttaking them to the vet, but sometimes I think we can share opinions andtreatments that are just as, if not more effective than the vet'srecommendations.
Anyone? Please
Thanks and BIG hugs!
My bunnies are inside for the summer months, but when it isn't so darnhot in the morning, I take them to their run for some fun andexcerise. I am assumming they picked up the ticks outsidefrom the dirt...? I am SO worried. I am not againsttaking them to the vet, but sometimes I think we can share opinions andtreatments that are just as, if not more effective than the vet'srecommendations.
Anyone? Please
Thanks and BIG hugs!