Thunder used her litter box!

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Sep 22, 2006
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:bunnydance:I came in this morning tosee she had used her litter box! She always peed in one corner of hercage so I moved the litter box to that corned. I put some of thebedding she peed on in there and then covered it with fresh bedding. (Iwas using paper litter) And it worked!I am so excited.:D
Yay! A successful first step to potty training!

Isn't it exciting and wonderful to see the first pee and poo in the litter boxes?

Good job on moving the box and adding the dirty litter, seemed to dothe trick, now hopefully she'll continue to use the new box!

I know it took me a couple months to get Wildfire fully pottytrained. We did a whole litter box moving dance.I'd move the box, she'd pee where the box used to be, so I'd move thebox back, then she would be beside the box. But after awhileshe gave up and decided peeing in a box wasn't really that bad.

Nice! My bun keeps pooping everywhere :X I justput the litter box in yesterday, so i don't expect it to use itinstantly :whatevah. Plus hes only 3 months old :)
I thought I was doing good w/ Snuffles, well Iget up this morning and the litter box was mostly empty w/ it'scontents all over the cage, like his bedding used to be. Itold him no as I put it back in the pan. Later, my husbandcalls and asks if I yelled at Snuffles and I told him no, and he saidwhen he went over to the cage this morning, Snuffles got excited and itspilled and wasn't his fault. Isn't that cute? So,he's still doing good after all, I was thinking he was faultering. Yay,Snuffles!
YAY!!! Awesome job!! Go, Thumper!!

Sounds like you guys are doing everything just perfect! How wonderful...:)

:bunnydance::bunnydance: Maisie and Flower do a Happy BunnyDance to congratulate Thumper (and Mama) for a job well done!!!
