Thumping from change of scenery?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I have question for you guys...

Today, we're expecting furniture to be delivered, and have shifted some minor things a bit in the livingroom. I've noticed off and on (and have deduced that it's just after a shift in things has occurred) that Flower thumps (quite a bit louder than any other time I've heard her do so) and gets really alert.

Could she be reacting in her change of scenery and things looking differently? Will she be thumping wildly when they're moving the new furniture in? Should I put her in another room, or will she be okay?

Thanks guys! Just looking out for my babies! :)
Yep, sounds like they are objecting to you making changes :D.

Moving them to different surroundings may not help, especially if they are not used to where they are moved to, andmight evenupset them more. If they don't seem too stressed, I would leave them where they are, and just talk to reassure them :)

You might want to put a blanket or something over the cages when the furniture is moved in.

A couple of my buns are very sensitive about their environment changing in any way. You should hear the thumping if the windows are open and the nieghbor is having a BBQ....just the smell sets the buns off.

Luckily I can close the door to the bunnieroom if there's a lot of activity going on.
Thanks for the ideas, guys!

So, we had the furniture delivered about ten minutes after I wrote that (guess I should have written sooner...hehe!), and they were perfectly fine (not a thump between them) the whole time! Maisie was in her usual hidey spot, though that doesn't indicate anything since she's there quite often anyway. Flower got comfortable enough that she was laying out-in-the-open on the top level all sprawled out by the time they left (during their moving in our big ol' dresser, mind you)!!

It was really funny (and she must have picked up on it), but the bigger, tough looking guy (that I would have been worried about if I saw him in a dark alley, typical huge furniture-moving guy), was such a softie about the animals!! It was adorable!! He kept saying, "Oh! Did I step on a cat? Was that a cat? I'm so sorry!!" and he even asked to pet our boy, Hobbes. I did the highly unusual thing (I would never do this had he not been so adorable about asking), and picked Hobbes up and let the guy pet him for a minute or two while holding him in my arms. Hobbes is quite tame and relaxed about things in general (though he was tense about this!), so I knew it wouldn't have any great impact on him in the least. The guy really appreciated it, and told me that he "loves kitties, but the wife is allergic".

I think Flower must have picked up on his adoration of our babes, and that's why she got so relaxed. :)

What cuties! :)

So, everything went just fine, and we now have a dresser and actual headboard for our bed (and a new comfy!), so we're having such a nice time over here!! :D

Thanks for your ideas, though, guys! I really appreciate it! :)
I love when big, "tough looking" men turn out to be complete softies about animals. I probably would have done the same exact thing! I mean, seeing a man baby talk to an animal of any sort, pretty much makes me weak in the knees, lol. It's good that Maisie and Flower adjusted well to the new furniture. It sounds nice and comfy, that's for sure.
I know, hehe, it was so cute to see a big brute of a man so melted at the sight of our babies!! I thought it was adorable, and when my husband walked in the door in the middle of them being back downstairs at the truck getting the next piece, I told him, and we giggled about it a little. :)

I felt a little bad about basically forcing Hobbes into an uncomfortable situation, but like I said, he's VERY laid-back and I knew ultimately, though it was uncomfortable for him at the time, he wouldn't mind in the long-run. He's VERY social, and had the guy stayed in the house for a couple minutes more, he would have been out of hiding and welcomed him to our home. He's just that way! :) Such wonderful furbabies!! :)

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