Hi all. I have two boy buns, Ace is 2 and Peter is about 1. Originally I had Ace and then adopted Peter. All was swell, no issues with Ace smelling Peter on me or anything when they were in separate rooms. They now live in their own room together separated by a gate between them as they do fine that way.
Well today I adopted two little ladies who were just spayed. They are not it the room with the boys. Well as soon as I brought them home the boys were freaking losing it and thumping all the live long day. I got the girls out of their site, because they have a little silver of being able to see them and they stopped.
I hung out with the girls for a bit and then popped on over to the boys. Now Ace is my baby. He is the sweetest little bun ever, always licks, never nips, melts when you pet him. Well I was petting him and then he BIT THE POO OUT OF MY FINGER AND I SCREAMED. It hurt so bad. He was running around me basically attacking me, frantically and I got up and left.
Literally was sobbing because my angel just did that.
I have no idea what to do. He never acted like this when I brought Peter home. I really could use some advice...
Well today I adopted two little ladies who were just spayed. They are not it the room with the boys. Well as soon as I brought them home the boys were freaking losing it and thumping all the live long day. I got the girls out of their site, because they have a little silver of being able to see them and they stopped.
I hung out with the girls for a bit and then popped on over to the boys. Now Ace is my baby. He is the sweetest little bun ever, always licks, never nips, melts when you pet him. Well I was petting him and then he BIT THE POO OUT OF MY FINGER AND I SCREAMED. It hurt so bad. He was running around me basically attacking me, frantically and I got up and left.
Literally was sobbing because my angel just did that.
I have no idea what to do. He never acted like this when I brought Peter home. I really could use some advice...