Throwing Out Litter

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Hi All,

Snuggy has recently started doing something that upsets me.

Every time I clean the litter box (every couple of days), she jumps inthere and tries to throw out all the new litter. She lookslike a dog digging. She uses her front paws and throws thelitter out behind her through her back legs. Sometimes, whenI make her stop, she squats right outside the litter box and lays apile of poopy while giving me a dirty look.

I haven't done anything different and I don't understand whyshe is doing this all of a sudden.

Any ideas?


Hi Laura!

Binkie has been doing that, too. She does after she's used it, aswell.... very messy! And then she attacks me when I try to clean it up.Actually she has a blankie and she's throws everthing on to that. Sheloves her blankie and is probably upset that Ishould eventouch it.

I think it might have something to do with their digging instict. She digs in her sleeping box and her blankie, too.

I'm probably going to change the litter pan for one that has a screen over the litter so she can't get at it.

That's a great idea, Jim. Do you just cut the screen to fit or do you buy it that way?

Maybe I should give her a box with shredded paper to dig in, just forfun. She uses my magazine basket for that now! Allof my magazines are in shreds, but she has so much fun with it, I can'tstop her.

I use plastic screens bought from a craftshop. Thosehave mesh holes for needlework. They are soft plastic so you can cut them to shape yourbox. The pee drains through and the poop stays on top foreasier cleaning.

Rainbows! :)
You could also try one of those litter boxes withthe rims that snap on kind fo folds inward so nothing canspill out over the sides...(well, not very easily)
bi1526 wrote:
Hi All,

Have any of you tried this litter box? It looks great. I may go try to find one of these today.

Hi Laura,

I'm looking for something like that, but only smaller sized. It has to fit in the cage.

I switched Binkie from a small corner a storage container thathas higher sides. This seems to have worked pretty far. Thesides are high enough that the litter stays mostly in the pan when shedecides to dig.

I went all over this weekend looking for and pricing pans. Ended up not buying any pans.

I went to the store where I buy the storage containers and they wereout of stock on the two smaller sizes. There was a dept selling out ofit's merchandise and they were using the containers for storagethemselves!!

I need a high-back corner pan for Rosie. PetSmart had one that wasmis-marked for $7.99. I'm going back today in hopes that they stillhave it.

Pet Goods had the best selection and prices for everything. Pellets,hay, bottles, bowls, pans, etc. Hardest part was walking out withoutone of the lionhead babies they had. Awwwwwww!!
Unfortunately, we don't have Petsmart here, soI'll probably order this one online. Even with shipping, it'sa good price. I think they have different sizes,too. I just hope it's not too tall. I have thelitter box in my NIC condo and that end is only one gridhigh. I may have to rearrange a bit.


JimD wrote:
Iswitched Binkie from a small corner a storage container thathas higher sides. This seems to have worked pretty far. Thesides are high enough that the litter stays mostly in the pan when shedecides to dig.

I have a suggestion.......

Take one of those plastic storage boxes and customize the sides (cut down) if they are too high.

Iused these temporary cardboard boxes when I firstlitter trained Pebbles. The sides were cut down, so she canget in and out easily.

Rainbows! :)

If the height of your cage allows I wouldrecommend a tall sided storage bin from Target, or Walmart, orwherever. Judy is a digger too, but we've solved that problem with atall storage bin for a litter box. Both buns can jump in and out veryeasily and the tall sides prevent spills. There's a little mess once ina while, but it's not bad at all. It's 12 x 18 inches, but I'm sure youcould find them in almost any dimensions. And it only cost about $2!

With a NIC cage it fits perfectly.
I have some pictures of the mess Mini did doingthat. She hasn't done it for a long time. Was kindof a phase she went through then stopped.
