Well-Known Member
1) How can you recognize fly strike before it happens? Are the eggs veryvisiblebefore they hatch? If you just keep running your hand over their back ends, can you just brush them off? None of my bunshave 'poopy butt' (although Radar seems to be having a few soft stool issues at the moment), but I'm extra cautious because there are a million ways flies can get into my house, and I'm pretty sureI found a BotFlyswimming in my sink the other day. :shock: The buns are all getting mighty tired of me flipping them all over to look for signs of fly strike -- but I don't know what I'm looking for.
2) Radar has a habbit of grabbinga piece of food and eating it in his litter box with the food rolling around the poop.Does this put himat risk for coccidia?
3) I'veseen almost liquid cecals (I think).What are the fool-proof ways to tell the difference between diarrhea and runny cecals?
2) Radar has a habbit of grabbinga piece of food and eating it in his litter box with the food rolling around the poop.Does this put himat risk for coccidia?
3) I'veseen almost liquid cecals (I think).What are the fool-proof ways to tell the difference between diarrhea and runny cecals?