This just doesnt seem right...please help

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hampton, Virginia, USA
For the past week or so, Olivia has been eating ALOT. I am having to fill her hay rack 3-4 times a day when usually i only have to fill it once or twice. She seems hungry all the time, to the point where I have even found her eating our dogs food which she has never tried to eat before. She is also drinking ALOT. I fill her water bottle twice a day and I have never had to do that. I am not sure if she is losing weight or not, but she is definitely not gaining even with all the food she is eating....what is wrong? Does she need a vet visit?
She gets oxbow timothy hay and oxbow adult her greens everyday. Her pellets she gets 1/4 cup-1/2 cup a day, unlimited hay and around a cup of greens
I just called the vet and they told me to give her a couple of days and if by thursday she is still doing it then they want me to bring her in. Unless her behavior changes, they arent too concerned. They actually said my pregnancy hormones could be throwing her off and making her think she needs more. They said there have been studies even with wild rabbits where one rabbit is pregnant and the rest will act like they we will see...they said they would have to be detectives at this point bc overeating can be a symptom of many things so its kind of a trial and error thing
well they just called me back and another vet said he would feel better seeing her and doing bloodwork bc she is an E. Cunniculi bun. He said E. Cunniculi has weird ways of showing up and it could possibly be in her kidneys and they would rather see she goes thursday
I dosed Becky and all the other buns with ivomec to prevent them from getting tilted like she is. First dose, then again in 7 days, then every three months. It is a bit expensive to get a whole bottle because you don't use much per rabbit. You vet should be able to give it to you so you don't have to get a whole 50mL. I ordered mine from amazon though since I have the six buns. If you have a feed store or tractor supply you can also get it there.

I give 0.1 cc/ pound. Please check with your vet to see what they think though.

Edit: the kind I got was for injection into cattle, but I give it orally to the rabbits.

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