This is me and my bunny...

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New Member
Jan 25, 2008
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Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
Hi! I'm Skippy's mom. I live in Sheboygan, WI and have loved rabbits all of my life. I had two bunnies when I was younger, but wasn't ready for the responsibility. Now that I am considerably older and more responsible, I decided to become a 'bunny mom' again. My only child is Skippy. He is a black and white spotted male rabbit. I want to say he is a Dalmatian Rex, but he doesn't quite have the type of fur. I tend to think he is a mutt and that's ok with me. My husband and I purchased him about a year ago when we were out for dog food. We went out for the food and came back with a rabbit. Boy, were our dogs excited! All joking aside, we have two dogs at home and neither really bother Skippy. My husband and I are both volunteer firefighters so a bunny with black and white spots really fit in with our 'decor' and pet Dalmatian. Skippy reminds me more of a cat and a dog than a rabbit. He is generally pretty lazy. He enjoys laying around and doesn't really like to socialize much. We give him his space and he comes to us when he wants attention. We got to thinking that he might need a companion bunny and I started reading up on the topic. Hence, this is how we ended up in the local animal shelter, looking at Beansprout. I still haven't made up my mind yet. It's a hard decision, but one I will share with you all. Thank you for all of your help so far. I'm glad to be welcomed into your community!
Hello and welcome :)I love the name Beansprout! Getting Skippy a bunny buddy is a good idea, have you bonded buns before? You will find lots of help and guidence here. Can't wait to see pictures of your buns.
Welcome! I think we have some other members from your neck of the woods. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your furry family.
:) Beansprout. :) I hope you'll bring Skippy in to meet her.

I think you'll meet more wisconsin folks (Sheboyganites) soon. Boz, naturestee...

Welcome to RO ;a great place to be, relax, and share your bunny compassion
Hi Skippy's Mom! You know, you could always bring Skippy in to meet Beansprout and see what he thinks of her. I know it's a hard decision whether to adopt her and handle her malocclusion, but at least if Skippy meets her you'll know whether he even likes her or not.

Have you heard back from the vet yet?

(And Julie, this poor girl has already been subjected to my presence, LOL!)

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