Harlee Lester
New Member
My baby boys jack has both his third eyelids showing. They are very small not swollen and I barley noticed them, because he has a light on. That was recommended from the vet, as he had gi stasis a couple months ago and he’s almost 8. He’s eating normal and active such as, running around my room, giving me kisses, fixing his blankets and rearranging his area. He is free range and a shelf fell causing diarrhea that needed antibiotics and pain meds from a new vet. His physical was spotless besides the dirty butt. His teeth were checked a couples months ago when he was checked out for gi stasis. I know there’s many causes for this but could it just be stress? Or the meds he’s on? He’s only been of medicine once 7 years ago when he was neutered. He is a mini Rex and has great health, including his eyes. The vet said he’s just older so he needs more light to see at night.