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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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southeast texas., Texas, USA

looking for a good loving home willing to give respect and attention...must be able to bring bunnies and dog...

will I survive the teenage years?I have 2 at the moment and I want to run away... lol
I'm sure you'll survive. Hey, my mom did and we turned out alright and next year she'll be kid free.
I still have 7 years until i am kid free... My junior high daughter is failing school on purpose so her cousin can catch up... we tried talking to her and punishing her nothing is working... we are even threatening summer school... still not working...

I found out my 17 year old daughter is smoking ... i don't know who is buying them for her but when i find out lord help them...

thank god for my 12 year old... hopefully she will be better than the other too when she gets that age...
I have 3 teenaged boys...17, almost 16 and 14. And yes you will survive. We homeschool so I am with them pretty much 24/7. I don't know what I would do without family. Either my parents or my bro has them over for a weekend about every 6 weeks or so to give hubby and I some "mom and dad" time. And yes there are days I go to work early to sit on my schoolbus and just listen to the quiet. You will survive. You will also learn how to color your hair (to cover the gray), fashion new hair styles (to cover the bald spots where you pulled your hair out), count past 999 billion (trying to keep your patience), learn to patch walls (from those wonderful fits of temper), come up with unique and creative punishments and have exceptionally high water bills from all of the hot baths you take trying desperately to relax before you kill someone. But next thing you know they will be grown and you'll be holding that first grandchild and I survived. My grandson from my step-daughter who is going to be 23y/o is going to be 2y/o on the 25th of this month. There is a saying.....Grandchildren are God's reward for NOT killing our own children...and boy is it true. So make a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine ( no you may NOT have the whole bottle), light some candles, grab a good book and take a hot bubble bath (dawn works wonders if you don't have bubble bath and it gets the tub squeeky clean while you're at it.....but don't use pinesol it chafes) lock them all out (honest they will NOT kill each other in 45 min even if it sounds like they are trying) turn on some music to drown out the sounds of them trying to kill each other (please keep the radio far from said tub to avoid the temptation to electrocute yourself) and relax.

kid-free isn't all its cracked up to be.....

But I do understand your thoughts..

Within a 2 week time period - Art retired from the Air Force - we traveled from MD to OK - dropping Robin off for her college in TN. (Imagine the looks on the faces of the guys helping the girls move into the dorms when Art opened the back door to the 24' UHaul and said, " can start unloading...")

We went from a 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhouse to a 1 1/2 bath, 2 bedroom apartment...

Our son had left that May to work someplace and headed to college from there.

It was a shock. Oh yeah - Art was home all day (while jobhunting)....I was home all day - the kids weren't home and I was used to chatting with them at suppertime.

Is it any wonder I cried every night at 6 pm?

Like I say - Kid-free isn't all its cracked up to be...

Like I say - Kid-free isn't all its cracked up to be...

Yep, I can vouch for that one too. I raised my son alone and so he and I were always very close to one another. So when he got accepted to go to college at Sheridan, it was tough. He moved to Oakville (where the college was located) and upon graduation 3 years later opted to stay. So he now lives and works in Toronto...over 400 km from home. I don't have a vehicle, and whenever I do decide to go visit him it's a huge hassle making arrangements for all the pets. He finds it difficult to come home for visits too, as he has no car and so far hasn't had the opportunity (no vacation time accumulated at work) to do so. I always knew that he would be moving away and not return, but that doesn't make it any easier. All I can say is, thank goodness for the Internet and telephone. At least we manage to keep in touch that way. :)

However, I do also remember all of our not-so-fun moments. ;) The constant battle over keeping his room from looking (and smelling) like a pig sty. Constantly picking up wet towels from the bathroom floor. One major argument we had over his wanting to go downtown - in an area known for it's drug dealing - alone, 11:30 at night, to visit a friend when he was 15 (you can guess who won that). Heated discussions over video games. Dealing with a very emotional and depressed teenager when his dad wanted almost nothing to do with him. Trying to keep him motivated when his college applications kept getting turned down, and praying he wouldn't give up on himself.

Yep, sometimes there's nothing tougher than being a parent to a teen. But it's also the most rewarding one in the world too. And I kept telling myself that every time I found beard stubble all over the sink; dirty dishes left everywhere; toilet seat dripped upon (you'd think all those video games would teach them better aim); no hot water left for my shower in the morning, on those rare occasions where he was up before me; etc. etc. etc. :p
I think my parents did it right. There is an 8 and a half year gap between me and my brother (although that wasn't planned) but it meant they only had one teenager to deal with at once. And certainly not three which will happen when your 12 year old turns 13 (obviously you know that, just wanted you to know I had read properly, lol). Good luck!