Thinking ahead about Cookie's companion :)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, West Virginia, USA
So we are planning on trying to find a little wifey for Mr. C in a few months! He is getting neutered in 2 weeks so 6/8 weeks after we are going to start looking around! So my question is with our current set up, how big do y'all think we could go with a 2nd bun... And do u think there is room for a 2nd without going any bigger?

Here is the current set up... I'm hoping it's big enough as we can't really go much bigger without moving him to another room... And I don't really want him in one of our upstairs bedrooms because I feel like where he is currently, he is "with" the family all the time... I'd hate to seclude him, if that makes sense...


I also should ad that we want to adopt an adult bun, that's already been spayed... And I would like to let him pick, as I read someone else suggest... But just want to know if we need to stick to small breads because of the space? I would love a Flemish, myself... But it's cookies choice :)

I am hoping you are sticking to small breeds not small breads. lol Once they are bonded it should be alright. May have to set a temporary cage up right beside that until they are. If you let them out for a run after that during the day they should be just fine.
Hahahaha yes breeds! Autocorrect is such a pain! Lol

And yes we have another cage if needed... However I read about someone on here (I don't remember who) who said that they take thier buns for "dates" and when they find a match at the rescue, they go right into a carrier together and ride home together and then go into the same enclosure and they just watch them closely for a while...

Anyway hopefully this will work for us!
If you have room for a little bit bigger, I think I'd do that.

In one carrier might be ok, as it's essentially neutral territory, but I'm not so sure about adding a new one to Mr C's enclosure right away. Maybe for awhile have the new part of the pen up against the current part. Like:
| | old
| | old
|__________| old
| | new
|_________| new

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