Thinking about getting a rabbit

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Mar 14, 2006
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I am considering a Holland Lop as a pet (orother breed that will stay small). Any advice on which sex? I do notplan to alter them and it will be kept alone.

Also, am havng a hard time finding a breeder locally .... anysuggestion for Northern NJ? Not planning on breeding or shows so a highcost pedigree is not of concern.
thanks in advance.
I can't help you so far as breeders, though manyothers here might know of some in your area...or you could also gothrough the ARBA to find a list of Holland lop breeders.

If this is to be a house bunny, the one thing you will need to consider(aside from the fact that your house will need to be bunny-proofed forchewing, etc.), is that male rabbits will tend to spray as they comeinto sexual maturity. There needn't be a femalerabbit aroundfor this to happen; sometimes just being excited and playing willstimulate a male bunny to spray. As for females, there are some obviouspros to be considered about spaying (risk of uterine cancer isreduced), but that is also a personal decision. That's about all I canthink of right now...

****LOL...I type slow jordiwes...didn't see your post...
which part of north nj are you at? before i gotmy rabbit my gf and i looked around and found a lot of places that wereselling bunnies.
if youre in bergen...last time we were there, garden state plaza, had ithink it was 5 rabbits 3 dwarfs and a couple of lops..forget what kind: T
well anyway just look around for pet shops call them up and im sure you'll find a great match!
Hi! Welcome to the forum!

If you're looking for a pet then I recommend adopting from ashelter. Many are already spayed and neutered, and you canfind all sorts of breeds including holland lops and netherlanddwarfs. Like Bassetluv said, intact rabbits can be a bitmessy, especially when they are young. Another plus aboutadopting is that you'll be able to see what the rabbit's personality isreally like. They often change a little when they hit puberty.

If you would rather get a baby of a specific breed, try searchingthrough the ARBA lists or going to a rabbit show. Those willalso be posted on the ARBA site here:

I don't recommend pet shops as you won't know the conditions yourrabbit was raised in, what their parents were like and if they carriedgenetic problems like malocclussion (very important in small breeds),or sometimes even the correct age and breed. If you want ababy and don't want to go to a shelter, a breeder is a much betterchoice.

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