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So... I bought two different water bottles for mybunnies when they have to be in separate cages (going to separate themsoon until I know one way or the other whether Pigeon got pregnantbefore Tramp got the snip) and for now I am using both water bottles onthe same cage to make sure they have plenty. One bottle is a see-thrured color the other a see-thru green. Now.. I really didn't think muchof this at the time when I bought them, just thought the colors werekinda neat. Well...before I put them both up I noticed that when thebunnies were turned loose Pigeon especially would make a point ofjumping out of her cage over to the other cage (with the red bottle)and drink, then go back! This got me to thinking that maybe sheactually liked something more about the red bottle... since they areexactly the same other than color...? So, now just to make sure it wasthe color and not something else I put both bottles on the same cage(side by side) and have been watching which one they drink from themost. Sure enough, they seem to drink primarily from the red one untilit is gone, then they will drink from the green one. To make sure itwasn't just something to do with location I switched where the bottleswere last night and when I came down this morning the red one wasalready about half empty and the green one wasn't touched even thoughit was in the exact same place the red one had been in before! Justthought it was kinda neat that they seem to have a color preference fortheir water! I just had to share the results of this little experiment.Maybe if you have a bun that doesn't like to drink enough water theyjust want a red bottle LOL. (By the way... both my buns seem to preferthe red bottle to the green but Tramp is not quite as picky about it asPigeon is.... she'll go to effort to reach the red one if she has achoice at all.) Okay.. enough storytime... off to work I go (draggingmy feet, you can be sure!)