Things Said To Your Bunny That Make Others Think You're Crazy

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I thought this would be a cute topic. I've said things out loud to Harper that make other people (including family) think that I am totally insane.

"Those are wonderful poopies Harper!!"

"Who made big round poopies for mommy? Who did? Good boy!"

"I'm not in the mood to play right now Harper, go play with yourself." (Guess it would've been better to phrase it "by yourself" at the time. Sure did make some heads turn!)

"But really Dr. Mooney,his poopies are a little less moist than usual!"

You have know idea how great a bunny fart is until you have a painfully bloated rabbit on your hands. Watch out though, they're SBD's!:shock:
OH my! I could just imagine a bunny blushing after they let out a little bunny 'toot'!

If anyone catches my singing to my buns.. they think I should board the next crazy train that comes around!:craziness

Also when I call Pepsi names like 'mooty' 'gummy goo'and pet names I make up on the spot.. andwhen I do my "pie" routine.. Oh Pepsi, my little pumpkin pie, cherry pie, apple pie.. and so on.. haha I actually think I'm convincing myself I have turned a little nuts-zoid. :) Oh well!:woohoo

You gotta be atleast a bit crazy to love buns ;)

i dont really say much to my buns that makes people think im crazy. but i do chant to them and meditate with them, and hubby already knows im crazy so that doesnt faze him any.

i do binkies with them too.
Oh man! I'd love to be a rabbit and do a binky.. they look like a blast! :D I'd also love to race around the house like there's no tomorrow :D.

There's only one thing worse than one butt -- 2 butts. (The neighbor gave me the weirdest look when I said that.)

Excuse me, do you want these weeds or can I have them?

Can I picksome leaves from your raspberry bushes?
People think I'm crazy based on how I act -- not what I say! I'll lay down on my stomach next to Zeke and nuzzle his face and sides and give him kisses so that he'll lay down, grind his teeth, and lick my face! I'll give him kisses for a while and stroke his head, then I'll stop, and he knows it's his turn to give me kisses! Sometimes he even starts to lick my fingers while I'm petting him.

We're sooo "gross." :roflmao:

But you guys know how it is! :)

I grossed out my neighbor when I let Mocha and Zoey take a bite of my strawberry and then I popped the rest into my mouth. I'm not picky, LOL.
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
I grossed out my neighbor when I let Mocha and Zoey take a bite of my strawberry and then I popped the rest into my mouth. I'm not picky, LOL.
Haha! Yeah, Zeke and I may or may not have shared a banana once... :rollseyes:

Hehe! My mom thinks it's so gross when I put my head near Pepsi for some reason.. She likes when I nuzzle the sides of her little tummy. She leans against my faceand chins me :D. Lol I once shared a piece of apple with Pepsi.. :D but I split it in two.. something about her dirty little cecal poop eating mouth on my food didn't appeal to me ;) ROFL!! Oh man, I lovemy little bugs! :D
Who's my little Sexy Rexy?

Good girl, Peanut, poop for mommy!
It's Father's day here today and I help the boys to make a picture of themselves with 'We Love Daddy' written on it with special letters shaped like rabbits!

So, not only do the neighbours think I'm mad because I say random things to the boys all the time in the garden, but my boyfriend also thinks I'm slightly bonkers too!

Woo Hoo It's all good fun! :colors:
Parsnipsandtoffe, where did you get the letters shaped like rabbits. They sound so cute. I'd love to make my hubby a card like that for father's day.

My Buttercup eats my apple with me, my niece thinks I'm nuts. I also say Baby come to Mommie when were out on the deck, I think my neighbours want to send me to the loonie bin. LOL.


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